Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1520BanqueNationaleDe La RepubliqueD’Haiti, 1919 (ND1967)TDLR Specimen Pair.Haiti, ND (ca.1967), Lot of 2 Specimen banknotes,
Includes 1 Gourde, P-190s; 2 Gourdes, P-191s, both with “Specimen”
overprints, “00000” serial numbers and POC’s. Both are PMG graded
Choice Uncirculated 64 Net with note of Previously Mounted, TDLR.
Scarce pair of notes.����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1521 Banque Nationale de la Republique d’Haiti, 1980s, Specimen & Proof PairHaiti, pair of 10 Gourdes, one specimen, P-203s, hole punch
canceled, zero serial number, UNC; and one partial obverse proof, like
P-242, on card stock, no underprint, serial number, or signatures, UNC.
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1522 Honduras, 1848 Issued Banknote.Honduras, 100 Pesos, P-Unlisted,
Issued and cancelled, 8.5 x 6 inches, large POC and ink cancel, Black on
light yellow paper. ������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1523 Aguan Navigation & Improv. Co., 1886, Issued BanknoteHonduras, issued 50 Centavos, 1886, P-S101, S/N E34000, graded
Uncirculated 62 by PMG. Unpriced in the standard catalog above XF and
thus quite exceptional condition for this note. HLBNC.��������������Est.
1524Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, 1924-29 Issue.Hong
Kong, 1st August, 1929, $10, P-50 Issued banknote, Black on violet-
brown with red “TEN” in middle bottom, Boats and pagoda at left, boats
in cover at right, Supported Royal Arms at middle, back brown, S/N /B
1039326, Hand written signature on left, printed on right, PMG graded
Very Fine 20 Net with note of Small internal hole and slight rust mark on
the upper middle back from an old paper clip, rare note in any condition,
W&S. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1525 Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, 1941 Issue.Hong
Kong, 18th February, 1941, $10, P-55c, Issued banknote, Black and red
on green, Helmeted warriors head on left, arms at center, back red, S/N
T/G 885947, 2 printed signatures, Very Fine condition with graffiti on
back, W&S. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.