Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1489 Bank of England, 2002-12, Issued Error £10 Consecutive PairGreat Britain, issued 10 Pounds, P-389e, consecutive pair, both
with partially printed serial number on the left side. Victoria Cleland
signature. UNC. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1490Bank of England, 2002-12, Issued Error £10 Consecutive PairGreat
Britain, issued 10 Pounds, P-389e, consecutive pair, both with partially
printed serial number on the left side. Victoria Cleland signature. UNC.
Attractive British Armed Forces Specimen
Special Vouchers offered in the following
3 lots.
1491British Armed Forces, Special Vouchers, ND (1961) Second Series Specimen.Great Britain, ND (1961) specimen on watermarked paper.
10/- Shillings, P-M21b Unlisted Specimen, Red imprint on the lower left
border “SPECIMEN No.6”, Red specimen overprints on face and back as
well as red oval specimen overprints on the upper left and lower right,
POC’s. The notes appear Uncirculated but would grade AU due to a very
light horizontal fold that has not broken the paper and is very subtle and
is difficult to view. TDLR.�������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1492British Armed Forces, Special Vouchers, ND (1961) Second Series Specimen.Great Britain, ND (1961) specimen on watermarked paper.
£1, P-M22b Unlisted Specimen, Red imprint on the lower left border
“SPECIMEN No.6”, Red specimen overprints on face and back as well as
red oval specimen overprints on the upper left and lower right, POC’s.
The notes appear Uncirculated but would grade AU due to a very light
horizontal fold that has not broken the paper and is very subtle and is
difficult to view. The 1 pound note is unpriced in the SCWPM with
watermarked paper and is unlisted as a specimen. TDLR. ����������Est.
1493BritishArmed Forces, 1946, Set of 7 Specimen NotesGreat Britain,
complete set of specimen British Armed Forces special vouchers, 2nd
series, ND (1946), P-M17s to P-M23s, all AU-UNC but with mounting
traces on the left side margin; hole punch canceled, all matching
Specimen No. 8 except for P-M23s, which is Specimen No. 9. Rare and
popular. TDLR.�������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1494Northumberland Bank, 18xx (ca.1830-50’s) Proof Provincial Banknote Trio.Newcastle, Lot of 3 proofs, all printed in black on thin
card cut down to banknote size, all with similar design and vignette,
Includes £1; £5 and £20 pound notes, Outing 1508C, D and E, all
uncirculated to CU condition. �����������������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain & France
1495National Bank Limited, ca.1860-80’s Specimen Letter of Credit.England and France, £20, specimen, black on light blue and pink
underprint, Pin-punch Specimen Overprint, Blue crayon on left “1000”,
Written entirely in French but issued or cashable in London. AU. Scarce
early Skipper & East specimen sample.������������������������������������������Est.