Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1475Gambia Currency Board, ND (1965), Issued High Denomination NoteGambia, under British Administration, issued 5 Pounds, ND
(1965), P-3, S/N A060242, Uncirculated condition.����������������������Est.
German East Africa
1476Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Bank. 1915-16 Emergency Issue Assortment.German East Africa, lot of 5 notes, Includes 20 Rupien.
P-45a. Bold typeset border. Both signatures handwritten. Strong center
fold. Fine-Very Fine; 1 Rupie. P-9Ab, 11b, 20a (2). Last two with stains.
Fine. 5 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
German South West Africa
1477Swakopmunder Buchhandlung, 1916-1918, Issued NoteGerman
South West Africa, issued 1 Mark, P-12, small size note printed on thick
yellowish thin cardboard paper, very rare and sought after type. This
scrip not was to be used at the Swakopmunder Bookshop. Although this
note is from a series that was issued under South African administration,
these series are denominated in Pfennig and Mark, which was the South
West African mark as opposed to the German South-West African Mark.
Despite this, these are genuine British Empire and Commonwealth
issues and thus quite desirable.�����������������������������������������������������Est.
1478A.B. & Co. (August Belmont), 1875, Second of Exchange Possibly signed by Him as President.New York and Germany. Second of
Exchange, 1875, payable to Messrs. Frege & Co in Leipsig, Germany in
Reichsmarks. VF condition and unusual. �������������������������������������Est.
1479Conversion Fund for Germany Foreign Debt, 1934, Pair of Consecutive NotesGermany, pair of 5 Reichsmark notes, consecutive
serial numbers, dated 1933, both perforated ENTWERTET and thus
considered canceled. UNC. Printed by Reichsdruckerei Berlin. ��Est.
1480German Central Bank for Agriculture (Rentenbank), 1928, Specimen Validation CertificateUSA & Germany, specimen
validation certificate for German Dollar Bonds. S/N 38-000000, stamped
SPECIMEN over the signatures, 3 allegorical women at left center, UNC.
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1481Konversionskasse, 1933 (1934) Issue Banknote.Berlin, Germany. 50
Reichsmark, Ser. A, P-211 Issued banknote, Overprinted 1934 on left,
S/N Nr.0655552, XF to Choice XF. ����������������������������������������������Est.