Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comU.S. DEPRESSION SCRIP
565 Associated Banks of Riverside California, 1907 Depression or Panic Scrip Note.Riverside, California. November 25th, 1907. $1.
Series A. Issued and pin punch cancelled bank or scrip note. Black on light
green underprint, back is green with ornate and impressive allegorical
woman with shield surrounded by ornate scroll work. Uncirculated to
CU condition. Banks listed are The First National Bank; The Citizens
National Bank and The National Bank of Riverside. Rare Southern
California scrip note and one of the few 1907 panic notes known from
the Inland Empire region of Riverside County, PMG graded Gem
Uncirculated 65 EPQ, This note should be included with any National
Bank Note collection of this area. ������������������������������������������������Est.
566 Los Angeles Clearing House Association. 1907.California. 1 Dollar.
Very Good.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
567 International Harvester Co., 1933, Specimen Depression Scrip NoteChicago, Illinois. $1, 1933, specimen with 000000 serial number
and “NOT NEGOTIABLE” as well as “SPECIMEN” stamps in signature
area. UNC. ABNC. Extremely rare depression scrip note possibly only
known in this format.��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Illinois, Wisconsin
568 Various Issuers, 1933, Quartet of Depression Era Scrip NotesLot of 4 scrip notes from 1933, includes 1 Cent, Chicago World’s Fair
Certificate, UNC, NBNC; 25 Cents, Joliet Clearing Association, AU; 1
Dollar, Clearing House Certificate, VF; and unissued perforated canceled
20 Dollars, Chicago Clearing House Certificate, UNC. ���������������Est.
569 Boston Clearing House, 1933, Quintet of Certificates with Matching Serial NumberBoston, MA, USA. Set of 5 scrip notes, all
cancelled perforated PAID, includes 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Dollars, all dated
1933, bearing the number 0001284. Uniface, colorful and attractive set.
570 Massachusetts Clearing House, 1933, Trio of Certificates with Matching Serial NumberMA, USA. Set of 3 scrip notes, all cancelled
perforated at signatures, includes 1, 5, and 10 Dollars, all dated 1933,
bearing the number 100041, UNC������������������������������������������������Est.
571 City of Detroit, 1934, Trio of Specimen Scrip NotesDetroit, MI,
USA. Set of 3 specimen notes, all dated 1934, “00000” serial numbers,
punch hole canceled, allegorical industrial worker at center back,
flanked by guilloche and denomination on each side. UNC condition.
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
572 Lansing Dealer’s Association Inc & City of Flint, 1933-1934, Pair of Scrip NotesPair of scrip notes from Michigan, includes a specimen
1 Dollar, City of Flint, General City Delinquent Tax Warrant, stamped
SPECIMEN and hole punch canceled, UNC; and 25 Cents, Lansing
Dealer’s Association Inc., issued note, UNC. �������������������������������Est.