Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
558 Citizen’s Bank of Louisiana, 1872 Issued Bill of Exchange.New
Orleans, Louisiana. £113 11/9 Shg, Issued and hand written Canceled
2nd Exchange Note. Black print with a simple black border and small
flourishment in the corner. VF. ABNC �������������������������������������������Est.
559 Crescent City Bank, 1871 Issued Bill of Exchange.New Orleans,
Louisiana., £72 12/11 Shg, Issued and Uncanceled 2nd Exchange
Note. Black print with a simple black border. Fine-VF condition.
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
560 Union Bank of Louisiana, Bank of New Orleans, & Others; 1830s, Trio of Checks, Drafts & Exchanges.New Orleans, LA, lot of 3,
includes duplicate Union Bank of Louisiana check for $500, printed
on India paper, Fine; a Consolidated Association of the Planters
of Louisiana second of exchange for $2000, VF; and a duplicate
Bank of New Orleans check for
$129.xx, VG condition. An unusual
group. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
561 Various Issuers, 1840s-1850s, Trio of ExchangesNew Orleans, LA,
lot of 3, includes duplicate James Robb & Comp. Bankers check for $75,
1856, F-VF; a first of exchange for $5000 dated 1856, on blue India paper,
with allegorical woman at left and ship at center top, Fine condition;
and second exchange for $352.79 dated 1846, eagle at top center, and
steamship at left, VF. ���������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
New Jersey and New York
562 NewYork and New Jersey checks and drafts, circa 1820s to 1880s.Lot of over 16 old checks and drafts, includes revenue imprinted checks,
from various locations including Freehold, NJ; Port Jervis, NY; an 1822
check from the Bank of New York; and various other issues, all canceled,
condition varies from VG with minor problems to excess. Sold as is, no
returns accepted.������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
563 Various Bearer Checks andScrip Notes & Pep BoysAutoSpecimen Scrip Notes, 1933-1994, Lot of 6 PiecesLot includes a bank check
issued to bearer by The Brown Fence &Wire Co, 1937, for $0.15; a check
for $0.25 by the Mishawaka Rubber & Woolen Mfg. Co., 1933; a pair of
$0.25 and $1 certificates by the Liverpool Business Men’s Association,
both UNC and unissued, 1933; and finally a pair of specimen $5 and $10
exchangeable certificates for goods or services at any Pep Boys store,
1994, UNC.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
California, Colorado, Nevada
564 Wells Fargo, Maynard & Flood, & Other Banks, 1853-1901, Group of 8 Gold-Rush Era ChecksGroup of 8 checks, includes ones issued
by Wells Fargo & Co in San Francisco (1862, 1878); Carbonate National
Bank (1888); Maynard & Flood Bankers (1863, 2 pieces); Page Bacon &
Co (1853); and Bank of Oroville (1901). All issued and canceled. Also
included an unissued check from the Bullfrog Bank and Trust Co (190_).