Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
533 Switzerland - Art Institut “Orell Fussli” Advertising Banknote.Zurich, Suisse (Switzerland). ND (ca.1930’s). 100 Denomination. Green
on white with no underprint and blank back with approximately 1 inch
margins. Topless allegorical woman drawing on left with helmet and
shield, right has “Foundateur Ch.Froschauer” portrait. CU condition.
Rare Swiss printer advertising banknote.��������������������������������������Est.
U.S. and Brazil
534 U.S. Advertising Banknote Modeled After Brazil Banknote, ca.1900-20’s.A look-alike advertising banknote of the same design,
colors and layout, but with different vignette and titled “West Shore
Railroad and “100 Per Cent” denomination. Uniface. Blue Specimen
overprint and serial # 00005. AU. ABNC. �������������������������������������Est.
U.S., England, Italy
535 Varinota Specimen pair featuring Beethoven. DuraNote Polymer substrate.Italy. Polymer test note. One sided vertical pair with
extra wide bottom margin. Blind embossing at left end. Nice Choice
United States
536 American Bank Note Co. Advertising & Letterhead ProofsUnited
States. Proofs of Letterhead, Annual Report, Service Certificate,
Calendar top, Eagle heads, Bonds. India paper proofs mounted on die
reference folders, partial folders, or unattached. 7 pieces. �����������Est.
537 American Bank Note Company Underprint Proof on planchet paper.United States. Vivid Underprint colors for the Liberty Head
sample note popular with ABNC. Registration marks with cuts as
needed in the production process. On wide margin planchet paper. As
538 ABNC, USBNC and BEP examples.Includes BEP City of Washington
views in color (2); USBNC bit of America, a miner drinking coffee;
ABNC litho of the Brooklyn Ferry terminal and Brooklyn Bridge in
background; ABNC 10-page booklet: Detection and Recognition of
Fraudulent Securities. Plus three boards with litho defiant eagle at top.
As made. 8 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.