Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
318 North Bullfrog Mining Company Specimen Shares. CA 1900.Nevada. Miner and pick axe, cherubs and lyre below, ABNC, EF. ��� Est.
319 PeytonaGold and Silver MiningCo. 1872 StockCertificate.Located
Cedar Hill, Virginia District, Nevada. 100 Shares Capitol Stock Issued and
Uncancelled Certificate. Black ink with simple black border, ornate title
with man on horseback jumping through the letter “P”. VF condition.
Scarce Nevada mining location. ���������������������������������������������������Est.
Nevada Territory
320 Apollo Gold and Silver Mining Co., 1863 Stock Certificate.Reese
River District, Lander Co., Nevada Territory, Oct. 26, 1863. 5 Shares, I/U,
S/N 24, Black without under print, Mine and smelter at right, ornate
title, U.S. Revenue stamps at left, VF to VF+. Rare Nevada Territorial.
321 CamargoGold and Silver Mining Co., 1864 Stock Certificate.Reese
River District, Lander Co., Nevada Territory, March 4th, 1864. 6 Shares,
I/U, Black without under print, battle scene at top right, counterfoil on
the left, ornate title, U.S. Revenue stamps at left, S/N 49, VF to VF+.
Rare Nevada Territorial. ���������������������������������������������������������������Est.
322 Gold Hill & Virginia Divide Mining Co., 1863 Nevada Territory Stock.Virginia. 1863. 5 Shares I/U Stock. #34. Black print with black
border. Vignette of Native American on left border with allegorical
women top center. VF condition. Fishbourne’s Lithog. Rare early
Nevada Certificate.����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
New Jersey
323 Pottstown Mining and Manufacturing Co., 1848, Issued Stock.New Jersey. 125 Shares Common Stock, I/U Certificate. Low certificate
number, 21. Black print with ornate left border no vignette. VF condition
with crease where fold in certificate once was. ����������������������������Est.