Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comNew York
301 Merchants & Mechanics Exchange of New York Specimen Bond.New York, 1910, $1000, First Mortgage 20 Year 6% Specimen Bond,
Black on orange border and under print, Bald Eagle top center, VF-XF
condition, Security BNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
302 Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Co. 1867-1899 Stock Certificate, Draft & Correspondence.New York. Lot of 6 items
pertaining to Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine
Company. Included is a large format, check from 1867; An 1899, 50
Shares stock certificate, I/U; a brochure ca.1890’s advertising the plow
with testimonials and 3 large litho birds-eye-views of the Walter A.
Woods factory. All in fine condition with minor staining, one litho has
a split down the center. All in all, a very nice group. (John E.Herzog
Scripophily - Mining
303 Alaska Mining Co. 1886 Stock Certificate.San Francisco, CA. 1886.
50 Shares. Issued and uncancelled stock. Small format with black border.
Eskimos with Husky’s, dog sleds and spears vignette. XF condition.
Mines located “Near Pike City, Sierra County, California”. Early Alaska
related stock certificate and related vignette. Incorporated CA. Rare
304 Channel Concentrating Co., 1926 Issued Bond.Alaska (Territory).
$100 Issued 7% Gold Note Bond, Issued and uncancelled. Green border
with no vignette, gold foil embossed seal at bottom left of certificate. Far
west Litho, Seattle, VF. Rare Alaska mining related bond.�����������Est.
305 Gravina Mining Co. 1897 Issued Stock.Alaska. 9600 Shares
Issued Capitol Stock Certificate. Low certificate number, 14. Black
ink with ornate green border and under print. No Vignette, but the
top two corners of certificate each have an American Bald Eagle. VF
Condition with tip of upper left corner missing and minor splits at fold
lines. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
306 Grecian Alaska Gold Dredging Company Stock Certificate.Alaska,
1915, 100 Shares, #312, I/U stock certificate, Black border with
unique Photograph vignette of Dredging Equipment on top left, Gold
Company Seal, XF condition, Rare Alaska mining stock and first time
seen by cataloger. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.