Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 12,2016
Archives International Auctions
1532 Velyamin Consumer Society, ND (ca.1918-20) Emergency Scrip Note Trio.Velyamin, Russia. Lot of 3 notes, All from the same issuer,
Includes 1 Ruble, 5 Rubles and 10 Rubles, Printed either in black or red
on thin translucent light brown paper, all are Choice AU to Uncirculated
with stamp hinges frommounting on the back of the 10 Ruble note. Has
printed on it “Issued due to a shortage of money”. Rare scrip notes. (The
Pogrebetsky Family Archives)�������������������������������������������������������Est.
1533 Votkinsk (Udmurt Republic). 1918.Russia - Local Issues. 10 Rubles.
R-18375. Votkinsk Consumer Society Exchange Token. Very Fine,
lightest paper loss at center fold.���������������������������������������������������Est.
1534YeneseykGovernorate (RSFSR) ND (ca.1918-20) Exchange Stamp Scrip Note.Yeneseyk, Russia. 1000 Rubles, P-UNL., Issued banknote,
Purple on moss green underprint, S/N 5181, Uncirculated with stamp
hinge remnant on back top middle from previous mounting. Rare. (The
Pogrebetsky Family Archives)�������������������������������������������������������Est.