Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 13,2016
Archives International Auctions
2014Imperial Bank of China, 1898 Dollar Issue, Shanghai Branch.Shanghai. 22nd January, 1898. $1. P-A51 (S/M #C293-10a) Unlisted
uniface proof. Printed on off white banknote type of paper with
approximately 1 inch large margins around note. The right margin has
4 different color bars in orange, rust, red and brown (the color of the
note). The back is blank. There is one vertical fold down the middle, a
very light diagonal fold on the bottom that barely touches the LL border,
a light fold on the UL corner far fr0m the border printing and a light
ink spot on the right margin away from the design, otherwise the note
looks AU. No serial numbers or other markings and no POC’s. Rare
note in any form and unlisted as proof or specimen. Attractive dragons
supporting shield vignette in middle and ornate border and underprint.
BFL printer. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
$1,750 -2,500
2015 Imperial Chinese Railways, 1899 “Shanghai” Branch Issue.China.
1899, $1, P-A59 (S/M #P13-1), Issued banknote, blue on face with
train passing through fortress walls, back red, Serial number 57366, VG
condition with wear, small hole in middle, No signatures, BFL. �Est.
2016Ta-Ch’ing Government Bank, 1907 “Hankow” Issue.China, $1,
P-A66r (S/M#T10-10a), Remainder banknote, green on lilac and light
brown, back blue and tan with supported arms at center, VF to Choice
VF condition, Attractive and rare note, Printer: CMPA. (The Silicon
Valley Collection)������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2017 Ta-Ching Government Bank 1907 “Hankow” Branch Banknote.China. 1st June, 1907, $1, P-A86a, S/M#T10-10a, Remainder banknote,
Green with Lilac on yellow underprint, back with supported arms at
center. Good condition with high wear, splits and rough edges, still very
scarce in any condition. CMPA. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
2018Ta-Ch’ing Government Bank, Shansi, ca.1911 “Taels” IssueRemainder.
Shansi, China. 1 Tael, P-A83 S/M#T10-50, Remainder
Banknote, purple on light green underprint, facing dragons with
crossed flags top center, AU to Choice AU condition, rarely seen
note. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.