Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 11,2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comGermany - Notgeld
66 German Notgeld lot.Germany. Notgeld and inflation issues from
Aachen, Sonneberg, Dulken, Herrnhut, Wald and many others. 70
67 Schrimm scrip, 1914.Germany - Notgeld. 50 pfennig, 1, 2, 3, Mark.
Typeset. 2 signatures on each. hand stamp to 1915 on back. First is Good-
Very Good, others Fine. 4 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������Est.
Germany - WWI Occupation.
68 Ostbank fur Handel und Gewerbe, 1916, plus others.Germany.
WWI Occupation of Lithuania. 10 Kopek, 1 Ruble. P-R121c, R122d.
Both Extremely Fine. Plus Germany, Darlehenskassenschein, 1920. P-58.
Very Fine. 3 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Germany - WWI POW Camp Money
69 Quedlinburg WWI P.O.W. Camp Currency. 1918 Issue.Germany.
Quedlinburg Camp currency. 1, 10, 50 Pfennig. 5, 10 Mark. All Choice
Uncirculated. 5 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain
70 Bank of England. 1951 Issue.Great Britain. 5 Pounds. P-344. 31.8.1951.
Beale signature. Nice post war white note. Uncirculated to CU. �Est.
Great Britain - Private Bank Issues
71 Brighthelmston Bank. 1840 Issue.Great Britain - Private Bank Issue.
5 Pounds. 1.9.1840. Many endorsements on back one of which is about
a 1842 Bright bankruptcy hearing against Isaac N Wigney and Clement
Wigney. Other ink marks. Very Good to Fine. �����������������������������Est.
72 Bank of Greece. 1943 Inflation Issue.Greece. 50 Drachmai. P-121
for type, unlisted in this form. One complete note and each color of
face uniface (one underprint color even printed on the other side); Back
with underprint and main color, with two face underprints on one. Wide
margin on one which is Very Fine + . Uncirculated except where noted.
6 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
73 Bank of Greece. 1943 Inflation Issue Progress Proofs.Greece. 5000
Drachmai. P-122 for type. Face and back black color uniface prints, Full
color face and back (slight edge tear at top), each uniface; Two sided
complete note but for serial #. Uncirculated except where noted. 5