Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXII
April 11,2016
Archives International Auctions
51 Government of the Falkland Islands. 1960 Issue.Falkland Islands.
10 Shillings. P-7a. Elizabeth II at right end. PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 64. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
52 Government of the Falkland Islands. 1974 Issue.Falkland Island. 1
Pounds. P-8b. 20.2.1974. Elizabeth II at right end. Uncirculated or a bit
better. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Fanning Island
53 Fanning Island Plantations, Ltd. Ca. 1942.Fanning Island. 1 Pound
note cut in half, then corners cut, left side in blue crayon pencil marked
1/-, right side marked 2/- (One Shilling and Two shilling. Schwan-
Bowling pg 216 #1541 b. Serial # 1537 on the right side note. Both Very
Fine, the latter with a few more stains.�����������������������������������������Est.
54 BanqueDe France, 1990HighGradeSequential Pair of Banknotes.France, 500 Francs, P-156g, Ferman - Dentaud Signatures, Blaise Pascal
at center, S/N’s D.308-69378 and 69379, both notes PMG graded Superb
Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ, Included are 2 of the 4 graded at this level
and the highest grade given for this issue, these Superb Gems will be
difficult if not impossible to improve upon. ��������������������������������Est.
55 Banque de France. 1945 Issue Banknote Pair.France. 100 Francs.
P-128b, d. Youthful farmer with two oxen. 19.5.1949, 7.2.1952. First
is Very fine with two staple holes at left end, second is Choice About
Uncirculated. 2 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
56 Banque de France. 1945 Issue Banknote.France. 500 Francs. P-129a.
Chateaubriand at center. 7.2.1946. Very Fine, slight soiling.��������Est.