Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
738 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR Co. 1884 pass proof; 1878 and 1881 timetables from other routes.United States. Proof pass, Continental
BNC; Timetables: Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. 1878; Boston,
Barre & Gardner RR 1881. All very nice, the LS&MS with the slightest
mice damage on one of the folds. 3 pieces.. �����������������������������������Est.
739 Reading & Chesapeake Coal & Railway Co. 1881 Bond. This is the only bond variety listed in Cox. Priced between $200-300in Cox.
Pennsylvania. $1000 or 200 Pounds Coupon Bond. All but 11 coupons
remain. Large format. Very Fine. ���������������������������������������������������Est.
740 Wilkes Barre and Wyoming Valley Traction Co., 1891 SpecimenBond.
Pennsylvania. 1891. Specimen bond. $500. 5% Gold Bond.
Brown border and undertint. Allegorical woman holding lightening bolts
on top and PA Arms on bottom. No coupons attached. Red specimen
overprint, “00000” serial numbers and POC’s. XF condition. Unlisted
railroad in Cox. Rare and attractive bond. ABNC. ����������������������Est.
741 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., 1901 Specimen 5% Gold Coupon Bond.Tennessee. Specimen, $1000, Black on olive green,
Miners at bottom, coal train with coal cars at top. VF, Franklin-Lee BNC.
Tennessee & Mississippi
742 Memphis, Selma and Brunswick Railroad Co., Specimen Bond.Tennessee and Mississippi, $1000, 6% 1stMortgage Specimen Bond, VF
condition, ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
743 Brazos branch Railway Co., 1868 Stock Certificate.Navasota,
Texas. 30 Shares, I/U, Black with no underprint, Locomotive leaving
station L-R, S/N 16, VF, rare certificate in any condition. Very possibly
unique, this is the only example listed and is the stock that is pictured in
Cox. (From a Texas Gentleman’s Collection). ������������������������������Est.