Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
1607 Mortimer Smith Insurance, ca.1880’s Pencil Mock Up, Original Artwork and finished Intaglio proof.New York. ABN pencil
drawing mock up of business card with fire helmet, horn, ladder
and pick theme as well as the finished proof, with crayon pencil
date notations. Stains and tape marks. Along with an envelope
fromMr. Smith. 3 pieces. ABNC. ���������������������������������������� Est.
1608 New York Stock Exchange Building Proof Vignette by ABNC..NY. ABNC die proof, special V-101170-A. Formerly from Harmer
1-2007 sale lot 2039.������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1609 Title page from the 1881 Manual of the Railroads of the United States, H.V. Poor.NewYork. Franklin Bank NoteCo. imprint on the
bottom of the title page for this 14th edition. VF, edge tone. Est.
Puerto Rico
1610 Porto Rico Telephone Co. Bond CouponPR. Black plate proof of
master die for coupon. As made, wide margin.��������������������� Est.
Washington, D.C.
1611 Bureauof EngravingandPrintingWashingtonHistorical Building Proofs, ca.1940-60’s.Lot of 5 BEP engravings. Includes Views of
US Capitol (2) and White House (3). Each a different rendering on
8x6 card stock. Nice. 5 pieces.���������������������������������������������� Est.