Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
www.archivesinternational.comEPHEMERA - TOBACCO CARDS
1562 Allen & Ginter’s Cigarettes. Card groups.Individual cards from
these sets: Naval Flags; Flags of All National (first and second
series); City Flags; Flags of the States and Territories. A few with
spots or stains. 40 pieces.���������������������������������������������������� Est.
1563 Allen & Ginter’s Cigarettes. Card groups.Individual cards from
these sets: Prize & Game Chickens; Wild Animals of the World;
Quadrupeds; Birds of the Tropics; Game Birds; Birds of America. A
few with stains. 63 pieces.�������������������������������������������������� Est.
1564 Allen & Ginter’s Cigarettes. Card groups.Individual cards from
these small format sets: World Racers (horses); American Indian
Chiefs; Pirates of the Spanish Main; American Editors; Racing
Colors of theWorld; and the large format American Indian set (2). A
few with stains. A total of 43 pieces.������������������������������������ Est.
1565 D. Buchner &Co. Card group.Partial set of historic sites in the US.
Some with paper tone. 23 pieces.������������������������������������������Est.
1566 Kinney Brothers Card group.Individual cards from these sets:
Famous Running Horses; Animals; Gems of the World; Military &
Naval Uniforms of theWorld. Some with spotting. 24 pieces.Est.
1567 L. Miller & Sons. Le Roy Cigar card group.Individual cards from
these sets: National Leaders; Navy Ships of the World (including
the Maine). 14 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������Est.
1568 Thos. H. Hall; Philadelphia Confections; and unidentified cards.Thos. H. Hall presidents (3 damaged); Philadelphia Confections
animals (23); plus 6 other small cards and 20 large format RedCross
long cut cards (one with a back ad.) 52 pieces.������������������Est.