Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comStereo Views - Politics
1555 Views of McKinley Funeral, Wilson addressing Congress and Western Nature.Stereo Views. Wilson addressing Congress on
danger of War with Germany, Funeral views of McKinley, several
views of Western Nature. One home made card featuring men. 12
pieces ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Stereo Views - San Francisco
1556 Century Photo-View Co. San Francisco pre-earthquakeStereo
Views. Pre-earthquake photos as well as Yosemite by the Whiting
ViewCo. And some printed western views. 11 pieces.����������Est.
1557 San Francisco Earthquake of 1906.Stereo Views. Earthquake
and Fire aftermath. Views by Griffith & Griffith. Printed, not
photographs. 6 pieces. Some with smudges.������������������������ Est.
Stereo Views - Smaller companies
1558 Admiral Dewey, Philippines, Japan related, ca.1890’s.Stereo
Views. Mostly unidentified companies. Includes a cock fight and
Infantry Drill. One Dewey card in damage to a corner. 13 pieces.
1559 Cold Water Army Pledge and Song Sheet, ca. 1840-60’s.CT.
Typeset two page temperance pledge and song sheet. Signed.
Printed by Hitchcock & Stafford, New Haven. Pencil and ink marks
as well as a few stains. VF. ��������������������������������������������������� Est.
1560 Orphan Boy Smoking Tobacco. Large lithograph.ND (ca.1920-
40), Large print, 13 x 19 inches. For the John Weisert Tobacco Co.
St. Louis, MO. Nice. ������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
1561 Press sheets for Cigarette carton wrappers and Cigar boxes.Rod & Gun Smoking Mixture. Folded card stock box NOS (5),
Paper press sheets for Cigar Boxes exteriors: El Producto Blunt,
Federal Judge, Little Fendrich Buds, Bering, Brown Beauties, Odin,
Gladstone, Mercantile. Christmas wrappers for Tampa Straights,
Hav.A.Tampa, and Antonio Y Cleopatra. Plus large prints for
Royalist and Jim Hogg Cigars. Finally a La Diligencia can wrapper.
Some folded, some scuffed. A very decorative group for the cigar
enthusiast. 19 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������Est.