Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
157 Bank ofGreece, 1939ColorTrialSpecimenBanknote.Greece, 1939,
50 Drachmai, Series B, P-107cts, Color Trial Specimen, burgundy-red
instead of issued green, back also burgundy red,Watermark on right,
PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64, rare color trial. TDLR. Est.
158 Bank of Greece, 1942 Inflation issue.Greece. 1000, 500 Drachmai.
SCWPM 118, 119. Progressive proofs. For the 1000, we have the
back, underprint alone, Underprint with frame, and complete. For
the 5000 we have underprint, underprint with frame and complete.
5 pairs are uniface but for the complete 5000 which has both sides.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
159 Kingdom of Greece. Progressive proofs. 1945 Issue.Greece. 5
Drachmai. SCWPM 321 for type, unlisted in this form. Progressive
two color proof of face and back as uniface examples and a uncut
pair of fully printed two sided notes. Extremely fine due to pressroom
handling, some with extra wide margin. 5 pieces.���������������� Est.
160 National Bank ofGreece, L. 1885SpecimenNote Greece, specimen
note, 1 Drachma, L. 1885 (1897), P-40s, graded PMG 58 EPQ. Rare in
this form. BWC.�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Greece - Occupation
161 Bank of Greece, 1943 Inflation Issue Progress Proof Quartet.Greece,1943. Lot of 2 different progress back proof pairs. 5000
Drachmai, P-122 Unlisted, Includes Full color uniface back proof
and Black and white uniface back proof 3 of the notes are in AU to
Uncirculated condition and one of the color back proofs is missing a
small piece of the lower left corner. Rare and attractive Inflation era
proofs by Greek local printer. ����������������������������������������������� Est.
162 Caisse Centrale de la France d’Outre-Mer. 1947 Issue.Guadeloupe.
50, 100 Francs. SCWPM34, 35.The 50 Francs inVF toVF+ and the 100
Francs appears the same but there are edge tears that are repaired
on the right border. 2 pieces. ������������������������������������������������Est.