December 11,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comGreat Britain and USA
151 Harrison & Sons Certificate of Deposit Specimens.Great Britain.
Certificate of Deposit specimens from the Banque National de Paris;
Prudential France PLC; plus six Harrison sample forms and a Scrip for
the Common Fund Co. Ltd. 1869. Finally a United States Colonial era
NewYork Colony 2.16.1771. 10 Pound note Fr. NY-167. Edge tone and
old tape repair, now causing harm to the note. 10 pieces.���� Est.
152 Bank of Greece 1944 Inflation Issue Uniface Proof Back Proof Sheet of 8 Notes.Greece, Uncut sheet of 8 notes, P-135 Unlisted
Proof, 100,000,000,000,000 Drachmai. Uniface back proof. Printed
locally in Greece during the war. AU to Uncirculated. Attractive
design printed in brown with two Ancient Greek Coins. ������ Est.
153 Bank of Greece plus related items.Greece. 1940s inflation issues,
VF+ but with tape on all four sides (19); 6 other notes one of which is
SCWPM 100a, plus a Bank of Athens 1924Check for 25 Dollars on the
NY Bank of Commerce, with numerous endorsements on back. 26
154 Bank of Greece Progressive proofs. 1943 Inflation Issue.Greece.
50 Drachmai. SCWPM 121 for type, unlisted in this form. Uniface
(but for two) color progressive proofs. Each color individually then
in combination. 5 impressions for the face, three for the back. (Two
face impressions have completed backs). Some with extra wide
paper margins on one side. Uncirculated, one with slight edge ding
on the wide margin. 8 pieces. ���������������������������������������������� Est.
155 Bank of Greece Progressive proofs. 1943 Inflation Issue.Greece.
5,000,000 Drachmai. SCWPM 128 for type, unlisted in this form.
Uniface pairs of two partial face proofs and three pairs of back
proofs. Extremely Fine or better for these printing production items,
some with wide margins. 5 pieces. �������������������������������������� Est.
156 Bank of Greece Progressive proofs. 1943 Inflation Issue.Greece.
2,000,000,000 Drachmai. SCWPM 133 for type, unlisted in this form.
Four fully printed and serial numbered notes as a partial uncut sheet.
Wide margin on one end. Extremely fine, due to some pressroom
handling.����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.