Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
1031 Banque Nationale de Cambodge.Cambodia. 500, 1000 Riels.
SCWPM 14 (100+); 17 (200+). Mostly Fine-Very Fine, some of the
latter Uncirculated. Plus 24 others mostly Fair. Nice large size
notes. Over 300 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������Est.
1032 Banque Nationale du Cambodge. 1958-70 ND IssueCambodia.
500 Riels. P-14. Most of the signature varieties represented. Farmer
plowing on face, Temple on back. Nice large size note. Mostly Very
Good or a bit better. Many experiencing staple holes, rust, stains,
tears. Over 100 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
1033 Banque Nationale du Cambodge. 1973 ND IssueCambodia.
1000 Riels. P-17. Four school children at desks. Sculpture on
back. Bold green design. All Uncirculated, many Choice. Over
80 pieces.����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1034 Bank of Canada, 1937, 1954 Issues.Canada. George V and
Elizabeth II represented. 1 Dollar 1937 Gordon Towers VG, Coyne
Towers VF; Both narrow signature panel. 1954 Issue 1 Dollar Devil’s
face hair (2), modified hair; 2 Dollar, one of each. All are Beattie
Coyne. (One Devils head 1 and 2 have heavy damage), otherwise
Very Good-Fine. 7 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������� Est.
1035 Bank of Canada, 1954, 1973, 1986 Issues.Canada. 5, 10 Dollars.
SCWPM 77b, 79b bothVery Fine or better; 1 (3), 2 (4), 5 Dollars, VG-
Fine. 10 pieces.��������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1036 Bank of Canada. 1, 2 Dollar Group.Canada. 1, 2 Dollars. SCWPM
76d; 84a (5), 84b (4);TheCentennial issues. All ChoiceUncirculated.
10 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1037 Canadian Tire Corp.Canada. 3, 5, 25, 50 cents, 1 Dollar. Features
“Sandy McTire” at left. Loyalty program currency introduced in
1958. BABNC. Fine or so. 5 pieces. ������������������������������������Est.