Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1024 WWI POW plus other things.Austria. 1920-1922 Brunn 10, 20, 50,
Heller, 2 Kronen. Very Good or so. Wage withholding coupons. 1, 2,
3, 4 Heller with hand stamp. Mechlenburg 25 pf. And Steyregg 60
Heller. Generally Extremely Fine. 10 pieces. ��������������������������Est.
Austria & Germany
1025 Austria & German Imperial and post WWI issues.Austria &
Germany. Selection of Imperial, Weimar, Inflation and Notgeld.
GenerallyVery Good - Fine a few better. 62 pieces. �������������Est.
1026 Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil, plus additional stuff.Brazil. 20 Mil Reis, 500 Cruzeiros. All Fair or so, tape repairs, paper
loss (8). Banco do Café, Sao Paulo. 19xx. ABNC Printed 100 Mil Reis
interest bearing note. Extremely Fine (4). 12 pieces total. ��� Est.
British Honduras
1027 Government of British Honduras. 1960.British Honduras. 2
Dollars. SCWPM 29b. Elizabeth II at right. Fine, a bit dirty at left
end. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1028 Bulgarian National Bank selection.Bulgaria. 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
500, 1000 Leva. WWI thru 1990. Quite the variety of notes with
many types represented Fair to Very Good condition. Some with
repairs, others with paper loss. 35 pieces.����������������������������� Est.
1029 Bulgarian National Bank, 1951 Issue.Bulgaria. 10 Leva. SCWPM
83a. Dimitrov at left, far tractor at right on back. A near sequential
group if someone bothered to put them back in order. EF toAU but
some with bent or rolled corners. 55 pieces�������������������������� Est.
1030 Military Administration of Burma.Burma. 1, 5, 10 Rupees.
SCWPM 4, 25, 28. MostlyVery Good - Fine. 3 pieces. ������������Est.