Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
656 Waterlow & Sons, Ltd, Advertising Banknote.London, England,
ND, (ca.1930’s). Face is red on light blue, green and m/c underprint
with text describing their printing services including “Banknotes,
Bonds and Stamps” on white paper. Portrait of official looking
gentleman on left with ornate frames and borders of note. Back is
red on m/c with text describing company’s printing services. Silk
fiber paper with large margins, Uncirculated condition. W&S. Scarce
advertising note variety. ����������������������������������������������������� Est.
657 Waterlow Proof CouponAssortment. Ca. 1900-1920.England. Lot
of 26 pieces of proof coupons including borders or text and vignettes,
Companies include Rio Tinto Co.; Barcelona Traction and Power Co.;
OceanaConsolidatedCo.; ImperialTobaccoCorp. of Persia andmany
others. Good to XF-AU. W&S.����������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain
658 Ashton-Potter “Thomas Edison” Sample Note similar to ABN AdNotes.
Great Britain, Sample or ad note, partially printed in light
green withT.A. Edison portrait similar toABN vignette portrait. Back
blank. Intaglio printed, watermarked paper, AU with toning on top.
Scarce. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
659 Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Color Chart sample book, 1957.Great Britain. Color samples on every-other page. The intaglio
print throughout features a windmill along a river and line lathe
work. 24 numbered plates plus several bound in and one loose
duplicates. Margins on many have extra color swatches as if done
in the pressroom. Inside cover withWSM initials inked in. Hardcover
binding, 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches. Very Nice.�����������������������������Est.
660 De La Rue Giori Printed Advertising Note Proofs and Specimens.ND, ca.1980-90’s, Lot of 5 notes, Includes one Uncut Pair and 3
different singles of Shakespeare sample notes, Choice XF to Gem
Uncirculated condition. Rare and attractive. TDLR. �������������Est.
661 Dry vs Wet Lithography security pattern information packet.Information packet contain two specimens from Royal Bank
of Scotland and Bank of Sudan, with an issued note of Jordan.
Color photocopies accompany the document explaining the two
lithographic processes. 14 pages of information and copies. The
bank notes are choice uncirculated.�������������������������������������Est.