Archives International Auctions AIAXXVII
August 4, 2015
Archives International Auctions
544 Credito Hipotecario de Bolivia. 500 Bolivianos, 19xx ca.1900.Bo-
livia. La Paz. Credito Hipotecario de Bolivia. 500 Bolivianos, 19xx.
With coupons. ABNC imprint. Specimen. VF+������������������������Est.
545 City of Saint Boniface Specimen Bond.Province of Manitoba, Can-
ada. 1908. $1000=205.9.7 pounds. 5% Bond. Light brown border and
undertint. Vignette of locomotive leaving station. Red SPECIMEN
overprint and POC. XF condition. ABNC. Ottawa.����������������� Est.
546 New Brunswick Power Company.Canada, 1917, $1000, Specimen
bond, 5% 1st MortgageGold Bond, Black with orange border and un-
derprint, reclining allegorical woman with globe, Coupons attached.
Specimen overprints and POC’s. ABNC. �������������������������������� Est.
547 Terminal Warehouse and Cartage Company, Ltd., 1906 SpecimenBond.
Quebec, Canada. $1000 Specimen 6% Gold Bond, Black on
green, allegorical women flank men loading wagon. VF, ABNC.�� Est.