Archives International Auctions- AIAXXVII
August 4,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comWashington DC
538 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Washington DC Inc. 1977 Specimen Stock Certificate.DE. 100 Shrs, Stock Certificate Specimen. EF+
539 Beech-Nut Life Savers, Inc. Stock Cert.19xx Odd Shrs, Specimen
Stock Certificate, Brown Border and Undertint, POC, VF-XF. � Est.
540 Coca-Cola International Corp ca. 1960’s-70’s <100 Shs Common stock, black borderSeated allegorical woman with one hand on cor-
nucopia with coins falling out and the other hand on winged wheel.
Rare Coca-cola related certificate. Choice uncirculated. SCBNC. Est.
Scripophily - Foreign
541 Austrian Government Guaranteed Loan, 1923 Specimen Bond.Austria. $100 Coupon Bond Specimen. ABNC. VF �����������������Est.
542 Banco Mercantil 1909 Specimen Bond.Bolivia. Specimen bond,
Oruro, Bolivia, 1909, £80 Est- 1000 Bolivianos, 4%-8% Bond, orange
border, bank top center, Arms bottom, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Est.
543 Credito Hipotecario De Bolivia Bond Specimen Bond.La Paz, Bo-
livia. “Lei de 22 de Julio de 1869” Issue. 19-- (ca.1900-1910). 1000
Bolivianos. Orange border and undertint with farm goods and im-
plements on top flanked by man plowing on LR and seated justice on
LL. Coupons attached. Red specimen overprints and POC’s. National
BNC. Very attractive bond. ���������������������������������������������������Est.