Archives International Auctions
June 25, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1133 Fifth Street Railroad Co. Issued Shares.Dayton, Ohio, 1884,
100 Shares, Issued and uncancelled, State arms, Ohio arms on
top, XF.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1134 Northern Ohio Railway Co., 1895 Issued 5% Gold Bond.Ohio.
1895. Issued bond. $1000. 1st Mortgage 5% Gold Bond. Orange
border and undertint. Locomotive L to R on bridge passing signal
house. Partially redeemed but uncancelled. XF condition. Coupons
attached. Rare and attractive bond. Homer Lee BNC. Purchased
originally in 1998 at F.H.W. for $385. Scarce issued. �������������Est.
1135 Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Bond.Oregon,
1911, $1000, Specimen 4% 50 year 1st Mortgage Gold Bond, Red
border with locomotive vignette, Coupons attached, POC’s, XF,
ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Oregon & Washington
1136 Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. 1911 Specimen Bond.Oregon andWashington, 1911, $10,000, Registered Specimen
4% bond, Train, Brown, ABNC, POC’s, XF. ���������������������������Est.
1137 Bloomsburg & Sullivan Rail Road Co.Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg,
1888, 8 Shs., Train facing right, XF. ��������������������������������������Est.
1138 Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad Co.Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, 5 Shs.,
1854, Early train, sailing ship, William Penn, Ceres, VF. ��������� Est.
Railroad - New Mexico
1139 New Mexico and Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Stock Certificate Signed by Thomas Jefferson’s GreatGrandson.
Clifton, New
Mexico, 1880, 1 Share, Issued and ink cancelled stock, Locomotive
at station on upper left with ornate title, Issued to and signed by
T.Jefferson Coolidge and signed by Thomas Nickerson as president.
Thomas Jefferson Coolidge (1831-1920) — also known as T. Jefferson
Coolidge. Great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson. President of the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and other companies; U.S.
Minister to France, 1892-93. He was also a prominent figure in the
Sonora Railway, California Southern Railroad and Mexican Central
Railway, all subsidiary companies of the Santa Fe Railroad.�Est.
South Carolina
1140 Carolina Traction Co. Specimen Stock.South Carolina, Odd
Shares specimen certificate, green border with electric passenger
car, Cancelled-Security BNC, POCs, SBNC. Rare with only 3 found in
archive. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1141 Chattanooga Station Company Specimen Bond.Tennessee,
1907, $1000, 1st Mortgage 4% Gold Bond, Black on orange-red,
locomotive leaving terminal building, coupons attached, POC’s, XF
condition. ABNC. Listed railroad, unlisted bond color. Scarce and
attractive bond.�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.