Archives International Auctions
June 25, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1127 Duluth & Manitoba Railroad Co. Stock Certificate.Minneapolis,
MN, 1894, 1 Share, I/C, Large vignette of locomotive at station with
farmers harvesting wheat, POC’s, Cert. #55, Counterfoil attached,
VF condition, rare Minnesota railroad.���������������������������������Est.
New Jersey
1128 Ocean City Railroad Co. 1896 Specimen Bond.New Jersey. 1896.
Specimen bond. $1000. 1st Mortgage 5% Gold Coupon Bond.
Green border and undertint. Speeding locomotive #7 head on
view. Uncancelled and unmarked specimen from ABNC archives.
XF condition. Unlisted as bond in Cox. Coupons attached. Rare,
attractive and possibly unique bond. T.A. Bradley Bank Note
Engraver, Philadelphia, PA. (Acquired by SBNC and eventually by
ABNC). Rare printer imprint. ����������������������������������������������Est.
New Jersey
1129 Wildwood and Delaware Bay Short Line Railroad Co. Shares.New Jersey, 1913, 100 shares, Issued, punch and ink cancelled, Black
on green border and underprint, Locomotive under signal towers,
VF-XF condition, Cert.#2, very low. E.A.Wright BNC. ������������Est.
New York
1130 Long Island Railroad Co. 1903 Specimen Bond.New York, 1903,
$1,000. 4% Refunding Mortgage Gold Bond. Brown border with
locomotive coming straight on with track workers on right. ABNC.
Specimen, XF. Attractive bond that is rarely seen in auction.Est.
1131 New York and Harlem Rail Road Co. With William H.Vanderbilt Signature and RN-U1.NewYork, 1873, 100 Shares, #16557, Issued
and punch cancelled stock certificate, Black with Locomotive
R/L passing under bridge in middle with dog, sailor and worker on
left, Imprinted Revenue, RN-U1 in middle, signed by William H.
Vanderbilt as President. VG to Fine condition with mounting stains
on back, ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1132 Cincinnati and Springfield Railway Co. Bonds With RN-W2 (10).Cincinnati, Ohio, 1871, Lot of 10 Issued and POC bonds, $1000, 1st
Mortgage 7% bonds, All with RN-W2 ($1 Washington) Imprinted
Revenue on lower left. Some of the bonds have additional Austrian
or German Revenue imprints, All in Fine to VF condition. Major
Knapp Eng. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.