Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
241 Portsmouth Street Railroad and Light Co. 1914 Specimen Bond.Ohio. 1914, Specimen $500, 1st Mortgage 6% Gold Coupon Bond
Specimen, Orange border, black and underprint, Streetcar in quaint
town scene, POC’s, XF condition. ABNC. Only known as a specimen
and only 3 found in the archives. �����������������������������������������Est.
242 Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Co. 1917 Specimen Bond.Ohio.
1917. Specimen $1000 5% Refunding Mortgage Gold Coupon
Bond. Orange border and undertint. Train moving across industrial
landscape. XF condition. ABNC. Unlisted as a coupon bond in Cox,
only listed as a registered bond. �����������������������������������������Est.
Ohio. Kentucky. Tennessee. Georgia.
North Carolina
243 Louisville and Nashville Railroad Co., Atlanta, Knoxville and Cincinnati Division, 1905 Specimen Bond.Ohio. Kentucky.
Tennessee. Georgia. North Carolina, Specimen $10,000 4%
Registered Gold Bond, Black on olive green border and underprint,
Locomotives straight on passing workers, POC’s, red specimen
overprints, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Unlisted denomination and as a
registered bond in Cox. Rare. ����������������������������������������������Est.
Ohio. Maryland
244 Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad Co. 1893 SpecimenBond.
Ohio. Maryland. Specimen. 1893, $1000, 4 1/2 % 1st
Consolidated Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Coupons attached,
Black on green border and underprint, Locomotives with track
workers on top, POC’s, XF condition. ABNC, Only known as a
specimen and only 3 found in the archives.��������������������������Est.