Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
209 Louisville and Nashville-Southern RailroadCo., MononCollateral, 1902 Specimen Bond.Kentucky, Specimen $5000 Registered 4%
Bond, Black on light blue border and underprint, Workers with train
approaching over bridge, Specimen overprint, POC’s, VF to XF,
ABNC. Unlisted color and denomination in Cox. ������������������Est.
210 Louisville Southern Railroad Co., 1887 Specimen Bond.Kentucky,
Specimen $500 1st Mortgage 6% Gold Coupon Bond, Black on light
brown border and undertint, locomotive R-L with worker in front,
arms at left, Choice Fine to VF, Specimen overprints, POC’s. ABNC.
This is the only example found in the archives and the first time
offered by us. Unlisted earlier date (1887) as well as color, only listed
dated 1889 in Cox and a different color.������������������������������ Est.
211 Maysville and Big Sandy Railroad Co., 1888 Specimen Bond.Kentucky, Specimen $1000 Consolidated 1st Mortgage 5% Gold
Coupon Bond, Black on green border and undertint, locomotive L-R
passing telegraph wires, Fine to VF, Specimen overprint, POC’s.
ABNC. Unlisted as a bond in Cox. Only 2 found in the archives
12 years ago and this is the only one available. Rarely do you find
railroad bonds that are full color and are this attractive. ����� Est.
212 Ohio Valley Railway Co. 1888 Specimen Bond.Kentucky.
Specimen. 1888. $1000 General Consolidated and First Mortgage
5% Gold Coupon Bond. Black print with ochre-brown border and
underprint. Mining workers center, flanked by locomotive and horse-
drawn hay wagon vignettes. Coupons attached. VF-XF condition.
ABNC. Unlisted as a bond in Cox, only known as a stock certificate. 2
were found in the archives.��������������������������������������������������Est.