Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1168McNeal Coal Co. 5, 10 Cents; 1, 2, 5 Dollars. 186x.PA. Dollar
denominations with mining and building scenes. Unissued
Remainders. First two About Uncirculated, others are Uncirculated.
5 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
1169Northwestern Bank. 5 Dollars. 1861.PA. Cattle stockyard at top
center. NBNC. Uncirculated.������������������������������������������������ Est.
1170 South Reading Bank.United States. 3 pair uncut 25 cent script.
Numbered and signed. Edge tone. 11.15.1862. Very Fine or better.
��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1171Wayne County, PA., 1859 Obsolete Banknote Assortment.Pennsylvania, Lot of 5 notes, all are 1859 dated, Includes $1, $2, $5,
$10 and $20, All issued,OverallVG to Fine condition with someminor
faults. (Ex-Smythe, 1993 Memphis Sale).�����������������������������Est.
1172 Wayne County, PA., 1859 Obsolete Banknote Assortment.
Pennsylvania, Lot of 5 notes, all are 1859 dated, Includes $2, $3 with
Pre-Printing Paper Fold Error on the upper right corner, $5 (2) and
$10 All issued, Overall VG to Fine condition with some minor faults.
(Ex-Smythe, 1993 Memphis Sale). ���������������������������������������Est.
1173Wayne County, PA., 1859 Obsolete Banknote Assortment.Pennsylvania, Lot of 5 notes, all are 1859 dated, Includes $1, $2, $3,
$5 and $10, All issued, Overall VG to Fine condition with some minor
faults. (Ex-Smythe, 1993 Memphis Sale).�����������������������������Est.
Rhode Island
1174 Bank America uncut sheet.RI. $1-1-1-2. Female seated with eagle
and shield on first three, female reclining on cotton bale on last.
Green underprint. NBNC. Uncirculated. ������������������������������Est.