Archives International Auctions, Part XXI
October 25, 2014
Archives International Auctions
155 Republica Mexicana, Bono Del Tesoro Del Gobierno Federal De
Los EstadosUnidos Mexicano1913 Specimen Bond.
Mexico, 1913.
975 Pesos - 2525 Francs - 100 Pounds Sterling - 2045 RMK - $485.
Serie C. 6%Gold bond. Arms of Mexico in middle with different cur-
rency amounts on left and right. Blue border and undertint. Spec-
imen overprints. Coupons attached. VF condition. ABNC. Scarce
bond. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
156 Pair of Philips’ Incandescent Lamp Works Holding Company,
Eindhoven, Specimens. 1930.
Netherlands, 1930, 5 (green) and 10
(brown) Units, Royal Exchange arms, BradburyWilkinson, EF. � Est.
157 Republic of Nicaragua, 1909.
January 1, 1920, Specimen Funding
Certificates for 10 Pounds relating to the Sterling Loan of 1909,
BradburyWilkinson, EF. [2]������������������������������������������������Est.
158 Bank Der Templegesellschaft, Bank of the Temple Society Limit-
ed, 1936, Stock or Share Certificate.
Palestine-Israel, One share,
Black, Brown andGreen print on cream,Topical desert views, splits,
some minor holes where folds meet, I/U, Fine condition but the
certificate had been split and the tear retaped, images of Temples,
Mosque and buildings, “Registered in Palestine as a Limited Co.”
Archivally Backed. POC, Scarce and very attractive. ������������Est.
159 Republica de Panama - Bonos de Tesoreria, 1918 Specimen
Panama, 25 Balboas, Specimen 6% bond. Blue borders.
Arms of Panama with cancellation hole through it. Coupons at-
tached. POC’s. VF condition. Rare Panama bond. �����������Est.
160 Republica de Panama, Specimen Bond.
Panama, 1950, 50 Bal-
boas, 6% Specimen Bond, Black on red border and underprint,
Country Seal top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF-
XF condition, HBNC. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
161 Republica de Panama, Specimen Bond.
Panama, 1950, 500 Bal-
boas, 6% Specimen Bond, Black on green border and underprint,
Country Seal top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF-
XF condition, HBNC. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
162 Banco de Espagna Y Paraguay, 1917, Issued Bond.
1,000 Pesos, I/U, Bronze on Cream, Allegorical woman in center.
Revenue stamp on lower left, AU�������������������������������������������Est.