Archives International Auctions, Part XXI
November 4, 2014
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comCentral and South America
1180 Mostly Central American and South American Assortment
tries include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Columbia, Domin-
ican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Mostly
1940’s through 1960’s, but some earlier. Mostly copper nickel and
copper, but some silver pieces are included. [400} weight approxi-
mately 9 lbs. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Colombia & Cuba
1181 A Selection of Columbian and Cuban Coins.
The Columbian as-
sortment includes examples from 1856 to 1974(31). Cuba includes
1915 to 1962.(19) 1948 20 Centavos Unc; 1952 40 Centavos Unc. Are
noted. [50], weight approximately 1.5 lbs. ��������������������������� Est.
Danish West Indies
1182 Danish West Indies Selection.
Cents(3) 1883-1913. Fair-Fine. 1878
10 Cents Fine. 1878 20 Cents VF. [5]��������������������������������������Est.
1183 An Assortment of British Farthings Through Half Crowns.
things include scattered dates from 1847 to 1947; A few early Half
Pennies 1806 to 1863; Assorted Pennies dated from 1863 to 1966;
Three Pence from 1869 to 1960; Six Pence from 1834 to 1962; Sim-
ilar runs of One and Two Shilling pieces. Average circulated condi-
tion. All mounted in 2x2s in pages. [200 plus], weight approximately
5.5 lbs. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1184 British Proof Sets, Mostly.
Great Britain Proof Sets 1970(7); 1971(6)
three sets; 1984(8), 1985(7); 1992(9). Diana large format first day
covers with coins included(10), and similar items relating to Diana,
Queen Elizabeth, etc. Some Isle of Man, Bermuda and Vanuatu
coins are also included. Should be seen. Sold as is.�������������Est.
1185 Early British Half Crowns and Trade Dollars.
Five different Half
Crowns 1819-1929 average Fine. Trade Dollar 1898 Fine, chop
marked, 1930 Uncirculated but lightly polished. [7]�������������� Est.
1186 Great Britain Token Dollar.
1804 George III Bank of England
KM#Tn1. Silver. Very Fine �������������������������������������������������Est.
1187 Great Britain Tokens and Trade Token.
Great Britain, Lot of 18
coins, 1780’s to 1840’s, includes John of Gaunt, Liverpool Half Pen-
ny, AU-Unc.; 1791Warwickshire Half Penny; 1793 Pro Bono Publico
Half Penny and many others. Attractive and interesting coin assort-
1188 Group of Mostly Early Great Britain Pieces.
1562 Six Pence. Fine
details; 1887 Six Pence. AU; 1709 Shilling. About Fine; 1818 Half
Crown counter stamped “LI.” VG; 1663 Crown. Good detail, mi-
nor edge bruises. Also includes early British copper pieces, and a
proof like 1970 Penny. Must be seen. [29], weight approximately
1 lb.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1189 Small Box Lot of French Colonies, Belgian and German Coins.
The Belgian pieces are mostly in the 1950’s and 1960’s, but there
are a few earlier pieces mixed in. German examples include a 1918
½ Mark in EF, toned, an 1875 5 Pfennig F-VF, a 1923 500 Mark BU,
and several other coins in the 1920’s through 1940’s. Two French In-
dochina 1947 1 Piastres are included, along with some pieces from
French Equatorial Africa and others. All in white cardboard 2x2’s.
Should be seen. Sold as is, no returns. [200+], weight approximately
4.5 lbs.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1190 France, Mostly. 1774 to 1961.
1944 2 Franc “FRANCE” BU; 1912
One Franc EF; a small group of French coppers 1799-1856, and var-
ious other small French silver coins. Also included is a Swiss 1851 1
Rappen Good. ���������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
France & Worldwide
1191 Mostly Crown Sized French Silver Coins.
1815Q 5 Francs Fine,
slight rim bruise, 1830, 1828, 1832, 1875 and others. [10], weight ap-
proximately 1 lb. ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1192 German Mostly Silver Coin Grouping. Proofs Included.
ny. 1972 10 Marks Olympic Proof assortment(13); 1951 5 Marks
VF-EF(9), and 1961-1972(9); Also included are One Pfennigs 1886,
1889, 1912 all E, 2 Pfennigs 1875 VF, and a La Rochelle token. [36],
weight approximately 1.5 lbs. ��������������������������������������������Est.
1193 Germany, Mostly.
1861-2004. Bavaria 1909 3 Marks VF; 5 Marks
1930’s(4) VF or so; Proof 5 and 10 Marks and 10 Euros 1971-1990,
and more. Should be seen. Sold as is. [14]���������������������������� Est.
1194 High Grade Weimar Republic Grouping.
1-48) KM#27. 1921 50
Pfennigs A, F and E. Mostly Uncirculated. 49) KM#28. 1922A. 3
Mark. Unc. 50-54) KM#35. 1923 A, A, A, G. Mostly Uncirculated.
55) KM#18. 1911E. 25 Pfennigs. Unc. Catalog Value approximately
$450. [55 pcs.], weight approximately 1 lb. ������������������������ Est.
Germany. Austria
1195 German and Austrian Coin Selection, Mostly Silver. 1914-1984.
A few highlights include a 1914F Mark BU, 1937 Mark Choice BU,
1922 3 Mark BU, 1935 5 MarksVF-EF. Also included are several Proof
and Unc. 5 Marks from the 1970s and 1980s. [29] ���������������� Est.
1196 Group of British India Coins, 1835-1947
Lot of 37 British India
coins, includes 1/12 Anna 1901-C UNC; 4 Annas 1920(c) VF; 2 Annas
1917 UNC; 1 Anna 1939 UNC; 1/4 Rupee 1939 UNC; 2Annas 1910VF;
1/12 Anna 1910 XF; 1/12 Anna 1932 UNC; 1/2 Pice 1912 UNC; East In-
dia Company 2Annas 1841VG-F; and others, weight approximately
1 lb.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1197 Group of Early Iran Coins, 1902-1974
Lot of 17 mostly classic
Iran coinage spanning across Sultan Ahmad Shah, Reza Shah, and
Muhammad Reza Pahlavi Shah. Highlights include 5000 Dinars,
AH1320 (1902), KM-976, XF; 5000 Dinars, AH1335 (1916), KM-1058,
Fine; 5000 Dinars, SH1306 (1927), KM-1106, XF; 5 Rials SH1311
(1932), KM-1131, UNC; and at least half a dozenUNC non-silver later
issues.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1198 Assortment of Mostly Silver Irish Coins.
Ireland 2 Florins F-VF(3);
1933 VF; 1928 1/2 Crown(3) F, VF & EF; 19393 F; 1966 10 Shilling
BU(2); also included is 1 1928 1/2 Penny, AU, stained. [11], weight
approximately 4 lbs. ����������������������������������������������������������Est.