Archives International Auctions Part XVI - page 43

220 Colorful Ringling Bros. 9 Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows
Stock Certificate Trio.
1970, Lot of 3 stock certificates, 2 are issued
red or green (100 Shares and less 100 Shares) in 1970 and one is a
blue Specimen (Odd Shares). Colorful certificate with clowns, tigers
and circus animals as well as undertint in light green of circus ele<
phants and circus tents. Popular and very striking Circus certificates.
All in XF condition. ABNC.
EST. $3009600
221 Playboy Enterprises, Inc., ca.1960970’s Specimen Stock cer9
tificate Trio.
Lot of 3 specimen certificates, Includes less than 100
Shares, brown border; 100 Shares, Olive green border and greater
than 100 Shares, Blue border, Specimen overprint and POC’s Hugh
Hefner facsimile signature. XF condition. ABNC. “The censored ver<
sion” with the famous reclining nude model’s hair conspicuously
placed over her enhanced features. ABNC.
EST. $50091000
Scripophily - Exposition
222 San Francisco 1912 Panama Pacific Issued Bond.
San Francisco,
CA. May 1912. Issued and cancelled $1000. Exposition Bond, olive
green. No coupons attached. Vignette of angel standing on bow of
wooden ship with steamship and exposition grounds behind. The
Panama<Pacific International Exposition was a world’s fair held in
San Francisco, California between February 20 and December 4 in
1915. A specimen of this bond was sold in our first auction in January
2007 for over $900. Signed by Mayor James Rolf who also piloted
the first San Francisco street car in 1912.
EST. $2509500
Scripophily - Famous
223 Gillette Safety Razor Co. Specimen Stock Certificate.
(ca.1900<1920), Less Than 100 Shares, Specimen Capital stock cer<
tificate. Blue border. Ornate vignette of old fashioned safety razor
with “Gillette” logo in bottom corporate seal area. XF condition. Red
specimen overprints, POC’s and “00000” serial numbers. Rare and
popular stock certificate. ABNC.
EST. $2509500
New York
224 Metropolitan Club Specimen Bond.
New York, 1906, $1000,
Specimen Registered 3%, 20 Year, Debenture Gold Bond. Green
border. No vignette No coupons attached. Red specimen over<
prints, POC’s and “00000” serial numbers. XF condition. ABNC. On
February 20, 1891, a group of distinguished gentlemen gathered
together at the invitation of William Watts Sherman at the
Knickerbocker Club. At this dinner were present Messrs. Samuel D.
Babcock, George S. Bowdoin, Robert Goelet, George G. Haven, H.
A. C. Tylor, WilliamK. Vanderbilt, andWilliamC. Whitney. After din<
ner they were joined by Messrs. John L. Cadwalader, Charles Lanier,
Cornelius Vanderbilt, James M. Waterbury and proxies were on
hand from the Messrs. Ogden Goelet, Louis L. Lorillard, J. Pierpont
Morgan, James A. Roosevelt and Frank K. Sturgis. A meeting
ensued at which the Articles of Affiliation were signed and the first
officers duly elected, and The Metropolitan Club was formed < with
J. Pierpont Morgan becoming the first President. In 1894 they were
able to move into their current location at 60th street and Fifth
Avenue in New York City. Historic fiscal document from this famous
EST. $2009400
Scripophily - Food & Drink
225 Hersey Chocolate Co., Specimen Bond.
Pennsylvania, 1922,
$1000, 1st Mortgage 6% Sinking Fund Specimen Bond, Vertical for<
mat, Coupons attached, Black on green border and underprint,
Three young allegorical women top center with white dove, Red
SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n “00000”, VF<XF condition,
EST. $1809300
New York
226 New York Cocoa Clearing Association, 1938 Issued Stock
New York, 1 Share, I/C, black on green border and
underprint, no vignette, VF. Scarce Cocoa certificate.
EST. $609120
227 Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. Specimen Stock.
New York, NY,
1978, Odd Shares, specimen, Bazooka Bubble Gumwrapper logo on
top, XF, Attractive and rare stock certificate.
EST. $809160
228 Virginia Pepsi9Cola Co. ca. 1930’s Specimen Stock.
Odd Shares,
Specimen stock. Purple “Cancelled” overprint and POC’s. Virginia
EST. $909150
Scripophily - Foreign
229 Compagnie Internationale Des Wagons, Lits, 1927 Bond
Group of 24 Railroad Certificates.
All are issued and the same
variety, blue border and underprint, passenger car on bottom,
Mostly VF.
EST. $1009200
Archives International Auctions, Part XVI
October 19, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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