Scripophily - Commerce
214 O.J.Moore Grocer Company, ca.1910 Specimen Stock.
City, Iowa. Odd Shares, Specimen stock, POCs, Globe with red
“Moore” banner across it, VF, Columbian BNC.
EST. $609120
Scripophily -
New York
215 Western Union Telegraph Company, 1913 Fractional Share
Stock Certificate.
New York, 1 1/4/100ths of 1 Share. I/U. Blue bor<
der and text in ornate design, no vignette, VF.
EST. $609120
Scripophily -
Communications &
216 American Press Association, 191091919 Specimen Stock
New York, 191x, Odd Shares, Specimen stock certifi<
cate, green border and underprint of world globe in middle with
allegorical woman and patriotic eagle on top over ornate title.
Specimen overprints, PPOC’s, Extremely attractive stock certifi<
cate. ABNC.
EST. $1209200
Scripophily -
New Jersey
217 Victor Talking Machine Company, ND (ca. 1920) Specimen
New Jersey, 100 Shares, 7% Cumulative Prior Preference
Stock Specimen, Green border and undertint with “Nipper” the dog
listening to “His Master’s Voice” coming out of the Victor Talking
Machine. Record with logo used as Corporate seal, Specimen over<
prints, POC’s, Historic and popular vignette. Eventually acquired by
RCA in 1929. XF condition. ABNC. (Ex<Smythe< 14th Annual
Strasburg Stock and Bond Auction for $1700).
EST. $80091600
New York
218 Shubert Theatre Corporation, 1924 Specimen Bond.
York, $1000, 7% Gold Bond Specimen, Black on green border and
underprint, no vignette, XF, ABNC. The Shubert’s leased their first
theatre in New York in 1900. The Shubert Theatrical Corp. was
founded in 1924 as a public company to take over the business of
earlier Shubert enterprises. It was operating 86 theaters in 31 cities,
including 30 in New York City alone, In all, the Shubert’s were pro<
ducing one<fourth of the nation’s plays and controlled three<fourths
of all theatrical ticket sales. Historic bond from the year of their
founding as a public company.
EST. $2509500
219 The Columbus Zoological Company, 1903 Issued Stock
Columbus, Ohio, 1 Share, Issued and uncancelled stock
certificate. Eagle vignette with embossed corporate seal on lower
left. Certificate # 1281. Printed by the “Ohio Co., Columbus, OH”.
Choice condition. Extremely rare and popular zoo related stock cer<
EST. $80091600
Archives International Auctions, Part XVI
October 19, 2013
Archives International Auctions