57 Bank of Taiwan, 1950 Issue High Grade Sequential Banknote
Kinmen, Taiwan, Lot of two sequential banknotes, both are
Issued 10 Cents, P-R103b (S/M#T74-10b), Blue with SYS in middle,
back with bank building, S/N’s AA 403185 & 86, both are PMG grad-
ed Choice Uncirculated 64, ........................................
Est $120-240
58 Bank of Taiwan, 1950 Issue High Grade Sequential Banknote
Kinmen, Taiwan, Lot of two sequential banknotes, both are
Issued 50 Cents, P-R104b (S/M#T74-11), brown o pink underprint
with SYS in middle, back with bank building, S/N’s AA 827073 & 74,
both are PMG graded GemUncirculated 65 EPQ, attractive and high
grade sequential pair..................................................
Est $150-300
59 Silver, 1989, 5 Ounce Proof Panda with Original Packaging.
China, 1989, Chinese Panda Proof Coin as issued by the Peoples
Bank of China, Minted in China, the Coin is encased in sealed plastic
holder, with the original box with papers. The obverse depicts the
Temple of Heaven and the reverse the Panda. Gem Proof. Est:
Est $400-800
60 El Banco de Bogota, 1919 Proof Banknote Pair.
Columbia, Lot
of 2 notes. Both are 1919 - Cedula Hipotecaria Issue. 1 Pesos, P-
S297p and 10 Pesos, P-S299p, both are uniface front proofs printed
on india paper on partially cut down card. Both are scarce notes
rarely found as proof. ABNC. .....................................
Est $300-600
61 Banco De Marquez, 1880’s Issue Proof Banknote.
Colombia, 1880’s, 1 Peso, P-S581p, Front and back proofs, the front
is black on tan underprint on india on cut down card, the back is
brown printed on india only, The face has POC’s and appears Choice
to Gem Uncirculated, the back would grade choice but there is a
small internal tear 1.5mm on the right excess border that keeps it
from Gem Uncirculated, Attractive and rare in any format,
ABNC. .......................................................................
Est $400-700
62 Banco De Marquez, 1880’s Issue Proof Banknote.
Colombia, 1880’s, 10 Pesos, P-S583p, Front and back proofs, the
front is black on orange underprint on india on cut down card, the
back is orange printed on india only, The face has POC’s, both
appear Choice to Gem Uncirculated, Attractive and rare in any for-
mat, ABNC. ...............................................................
Est $500-800
63 Banque Nationale Du Congo, 1964 to 1970 Specimen
Banknote Group of 5.
Congo, Lot of 5 notes, All are dated
between 1964 and 1970, Includes 100 Francs and 1000 Francs, P6s
and P-8s; and, 1 Zaire, 50 Makuta and 5 Zaires Specimens, P-11s; 12s
and 13s, all are in AU to CU condition, All with red Specimen over-
prints and S/N 000000”, Attractive assortment of Congo Specimen
banknotes, TDLR. ......................................................
Est $400-800
64 Banque Nationale Du Congo, 1964 to 1970 Specimen
Banknote Group of 5.
Congo, Lot of 5 notes, All are dated
between 1964 and 1970, Includes 100 Francs and 1000 Francs, P6s
and P-8s; and, 1 Zaire, 50 Makuta and 5 Zaires Specimens, P-11s; 12s
and 13s, all are in AU to CU condition, All with red Specimen over-
prints and S/N 000000”, Attractive assortment of Congo Specimen
banknotes, TDLR. ......................................................
Est $400-800
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions