Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 3

15 Banco Do Brasil, Estampa 1A, 1923 Issue Proof Banknote.
Brazil, With Estampa 1A, 1923, 200 Mil Reis, P-121 Unlisted Proof
face and back, both printed on india paper on large card, Face black
on m/c with portrait of Dom Pedro II on right, back black, both
would grade Choice to Gem Uncirculated, extremely attractive and
high grade note. ABNC. .............................................
Est $600-1200
16 Thesouro Do Estado S.Paulo Brazil, Decree of 14.7. 1932,
Second Issue Specimen.
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bonds of the Treasury,
July 14, 1932. 100 Mil Reis, P-S875s, SPECIMEN, Black on chestnut
brown underprint with portrait of Duque De Caixias on left, back
blue on yellow, Pin-punch ESPECIME - W.J.C. IN MIDDLE, PMG
graded Superb Gem 67 EPQ (Exceptional Paper Quality). Extremely
rare note in any condition and example is the highest and only one
graded in the PMG census. Local printer....................
Est $500-1000
17 Banco Central Do Brasil, ca. 1990’s Group of 300 Uncirculated
Brazil, Packs of 100: P-213, 223, 228. All Uncirculated. (Photo
in Back)......................................................................
Est $75-150
British Guiana
18 British Guiana, Inland Postal Order, ND (ca. 1890’s).
Guiana, $1, Brown border and text with denomination printed in
black, 4 cents imprinted revenue on upper left, counterfoil attached,
Unused and uncancelled, AU condition, W&S. ...........
Est $100-200
19 Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1888; 1893 Issue Back Proof.
Toronto, Canada, Lot of 2 items, ND (ca.1888-1912), $5, P-S960
Unlisted back proof, printed on india paper on large card, Brown
with no underprint, Canadian Bank of Commerce Building in center
surrounded by ornate engravings with matching proof vignette
printed on india paper that is unmounted, Uncirculated to Almost
CU condition. Very attractive proof with rare matching vignette.
ABNC, Ottawa. ..........................................................
Est $300-600
20 Canadian Bank of Commerce, (ca.1915-17) Foringer Essay
Photo Proof.
Toronto, Canada. ND (ca.1915-1917). No denomina-
tion, P-S Unlisted Essay Photo Proof design. Borders are partially
completed with Canadian Bank of Commerce seal on top. Banknote
size photograph cut down and mounted to large card with white
piece of paper that can cover image. Evidently an early Foringer
working design that was rejected. Uncirculated condition. Rare
essay photo proof of note. ABNC, Canadian BNC. No imprints on
bottom of essay note. ................................................
Est $200-400
21 Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1917 Issue Progress Proof Trio.
Toronto, Canada, 1917 . Lot of 3 items, Includes $10, P-S966 Proof
face, black on light red underprint and a second proof face that is a
progress engraving proof that is not fully filled and engraved and
does not have the underprint. Also included is the light red under-
print and seal proofs printed on banknote paper of P-S966A. Choice
Uncirculated condition. ABNC, Canadian BNC. Scarce progress
proofs. .......................................................................
Est $500-1000
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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