841 Oxford and Henderson Railroad Co., 1887, $1000 Specimen
North Carolina, 1887, $1000 1st Mortgage 6% Gold
Specimen Bond, Black printing with black ornate border and under-
print, Moving locomotive top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN
overprints, VF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad and bond in Cox but
not as specimen. Very rare and attractive bond only one found in
archives. ....................................................................
Est $600-1200
842 Raleigh and Southport Railway Co., 1905, $1000 Specimen
North Carolina, 1910, $1000 1st Mortgage 4% 50 Year Gold
Specimen Bond, Black printing with brown border and underprint,
Moving locomotive top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN over-
prints, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad but unlisted bond in
Cox. ...........................................................................
Est $250-500
843 Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Co., 1910, $1000
Specimen Bond.
North Carolina, 1905, $1000 1st Mortgage 5% 60
Year Gold Specimen Bond, Black printing with orange border and
underprint, Moving locomotive by railway workers top center,
POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF-XF condition, ABNC.
Unlisted railroad in Cox. ............................................
Est $350-700
844 Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Railway Company, 1886
Specimen Bond.
Ohio, 1886, $500, 1st Mortgage 6% Gold Bond,
Black on brown border and underprint, locomotive at station on top,
men with horses, hay wagons and rural scene on bottom, S/N 0000,
Specimen overprints, POC’s, Listed railroad bond type but unlisted
denomination. Rare and first time seen by cataloger.
Est $250-500
845 Cleveland, Indiana and St. Louis Railroad Co., Issued Stock.
Ohio, 1885, I/U Stock, 750 Shares, #36, Black print with ornate black
border and vignette of locomotive moving over bridge top center
with cattle below (vignette of “The crossing”), VF condition, R.P.
(Photo in Back)..........................................................
Est $75-150
846 Lake and River Railway Company, 1905 Issued Stock
Cleveland, Ohio, 1905, 1080 Shares, Possibly Issued
and uncancelled, S/N 16, Native American seated with ships behind
him, gold seal, No name is written into the owner area but every-
thing else is filled out including embossed corporate seal, the presi-
dent’s signature “C.W. French” and Secretary’s signature, VF condi-
tion, rare and first time seen by cataloger, railroad
unlisted in Cox. ..........................................................
Est $200-400
Ohio & Indiana
847 Lake Erie and Louisville Railway Co., 1872, $1000 I/U Bond.
Ohio & Indiana, 1872, $1000 1st Mortgage 7% I/U Bond, S/N#933,
Black printing with black ornate borders and orange underprint,
Allegorical women on left and right with moving locomotive top
center, VF condition, Homer Lee & Co. Listed railway in Cox but
bond only listed as i/c. Beautiful uncancelled bond. ...
Est $350-700
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions