Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 102

833 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co., Lot of 3
$1000 Specimen Bonds.
Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds; 1)1913, $1000
or 205.11 Sterling Specimen Bond, Red, Electric locomotive top cen-
ter, VF-XF condition, ABNC. 2)1904, $1000 Harlem River-Port
Chester 1st Mortgage 4% Specimen Bond, Brown, Moving locomo-
tive with workers looking on top center, VF-XF condition, ABNC.
3)1904, $1000 3 1/2% Specimen Bond, Green, Locomotive passing
railway workers top center, VF condition, ABNC. ......
Est $250-500
834 Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse
Co., 1889, $1000 Specimen Bond.
New York, 1889, $1000 5%
Consolidated 1st Mortgage Collateral Gold Specimen Bond, Black
printing with brown border and underprint, Moving locomotive top
center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition with
some creases from folding, ABNC. Listed railroad but unlisted bond
variety in Cox. ...........................................................
Est $450-900
835 Saint Helena Gold Mine, 1881, $1000 Issued Bond.
New York,
1881, $1000 7% I/U Bond, S/N#183, Black printing with green border
and underprint and gold “$1000” counter center, Men in mine top
left with mining facilities top right, 7 coupons attached, VF condi-
tion, Henry Siebert & Bro. Location of mine Sonora,
Mexico. .....................................................................
Est $120-240
836 Schenectady and Susquehanna Rail Road Company, 1872
Issued Stock Certificate.
Schenectady, New York, 10 Shares,
Issued and uncancelled stock, black on off white paper with loco-
motive at station R-L, steamship on bottom with blue 25 cents
adhesive revenue stamp on lower right, back ornate green, VF con-
dition, S/N 130, CBNC. ...............................................
Est $200-400
837 Second Avenue Railroad Co., Issued Bond.
New York, 1898,
$1000, 5% First Consolidated Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, VF
Condition, International BNC. A subway line is now being built up
Second Ave to relieve congestion on the Lexington line, currently
the only subway running up the east side of Manhattan. (Photo in
Est $75-150
838 Staten Island Rail-Road Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1864,
Issued and Cancelled Stock, #278, 200 Shares, Black print with
ornate border, Moving locomotive l-r top center and the steamship
Richmond on left border, Fine condition, Hosford & Co. Red 25 cent
Washington Revenue stamp on left and signature of company pres-
ident, Vanderbilt, omitted. Railroad and stock listed in Cox.
Est $400-600
New York & Pennsylvania
839 Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Co., 1899, $1000
Specimen Bond.
New York & Pennsylvania, 1899, $1000 Series A
Equipment Specimen Bond, Black printing with brown border and
underprint, Moving locomotive past terminal top center, POC’s, VF
condition, FLBNC. Listed railroad but unlisted bond variety
in Cox. .......................................................................
Est $120-240
North Carolina
840 Elkin and Alleghany Railway Co., 1911, $1000 Specimen
North Carolina, 1911, $1000 1st Mortgage 6% 30 Year Gold
Specimen Bond, Black printing with green border and underprint,
Moving locomotive top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN over-
prints, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad and bond in Cox but
not as specimen, only 3 found in archives. .................
Est $300-600
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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