Welcome to theSale
On behalf of the entireArchives InternationalAuctions team, Iwould like to personallywelcome you to our nine-
teenth exciting auctionwe have held over the last eight years. We are offering over 600 lots ofU.S. andWorldwideBan-
knotes, Scripophily,Autographs&SecurityPrintingEphemera at our offices inFort Lee, New Jersey.
The auction beginswith over 330 lots ofworldwide banknotes.We are proud to be offering the first installment of
“TheTasmanianDevil Collection” of rareAustralian&WorldwideBanknotes includingSpecimens andReplacement notes
that rarely come to auction and represent one of the largest offerings of rareAustralianmaterial from “DownUnder” to be of-
fered in theUnitedStates in years if not decades. Highlights from “TheTasmanianDevil collection include aND (1974)
SpecimenSet of 6 notes from $1 to $50;AGemUncirculated $20ND (1984) SerialNo. “1” note; numerous replacement
notes dating from 1949 to 1968 aswell as earlyAustralian andNewZealand rarities. Additionallywe are offering further se-
lections from the “HamtramckCollection”, put together by a careermilitary officer over a 50 year period and also the second
installment of the “ScarsdaleCollection” ofmodernAfrican banknotes.
An exciting group of autographs and ephemera are being offered including a historicSamuel F.B.Morse auto-
graphed letter; Francis Spinner letters, somewith significant historic content; 4different California “GoldRushEra”Clipper
Cards; CivilWar Letters alongwith dozens of other interesting and historic documents, autographs and letters.
U.SBanknotes&FederalDocuments arewell represented bymany exciting items including aU.S.WWII Emer-
gency Issue, $20, 1934, Fr#2304m*,MuleStarBanknote; aBank ofAmerica, 1879Specimen $10,000ClearingHouseCer-
tificate; aSouthBethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1883USAPostalNote, S/N 4;U.S. LibertyLoanBonds and an extremely rare
War of 1812Capital FundedStockReceipt Remainder (R-8) recently discovered at a small book show aswell as dozens of
other interesting and desirable banknotes and ephemera.
There are close to 100 lots of scripophily including banking, finance, navigation, railroads,Worldwide and interest-
ing rare certificates including an amazingAcceleratingSteamNavigationCo., 1852Stock certificatewith a unique dirigible
We are looking forward to another exciting auction and hope you enjoy our current offerings.We expect to have at
least 2more auctions in 2014 including serving as the official auctioneer for theFourthAnnualWall Street Coin, Currency,
Collectibles&Scripophily show scheduled for lateOctober, 2014 to be held at theMuseum ofAmericanFinance onWall
Street.We are also anticipating anotherHongKongAuction toward the end of this year or early 2015. If you have suitable
material, we are still seeking consignments for ourOctober and late fall - earlywinter auctions.
Iwould like to thank everyonewho has participated in our previous auctions and has helpedmake this auction series
a resounding success.
Best of luck,
Bob Schwartz