Weareproud tobeoffering thefirst installment of
“TheTasmanianDevil Collec1on”
of rareAustralian&WorldwideBanknotes including
Specimens andReplacement notes that rarely come toauc?onand represent oneof the
largest offeringsof rareAustralianmaterial from“DownUnder” tobeoffered in theUnited
States inyears if not decades. Highlights from“TheTasmanianDevil collec?on includeaND
(1974) SpecimenSet of 6notes from$1 to$50; AGemUncirculated$20ND(1984) Serial
No. “1”note; numerous replacement notesda?ng from1949 to1968aswell as early
AustralianandNewZealand rari?es