1124 ABNC Souvenir Card Specimen Kingdom of Hawaii 1879
$100 Silver Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/Galloping
horse, Globe between steam locomotive and sailing ship, and
Dairy Cow. One of 3 Specimens. ABNC Endorsement on back.
Mint Condition. Beautiful.
Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $100 Silver
Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/Galloping horse, Globe
between steam locomotive and sailing ship, and Dairy Cow.
ca.1970-80’s reprint, Pin-Punch Specimen with date 12-30-94,
ABNC Endorsement on back. One of 3 Specimens of this denomina-
tion found. Mint Condition. Beautiful. .....................
EST. $200-400
1125ABNC Souvenir Card Specimen Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $20
Silver Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint
Kingdom of
Hawaii 1879 $20 Silver Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/
Maiden, Paddle Ship, Girl w/Puppies, Locomotive Nautical Scene.
ca.1970-80’s reprint, Pin-Punch Specimen with date 12-30-94,
ABNC Endorsement on back. One of 3 Specimens of this denomina-
tion found. Mint Condition. Beautiful. .....................
EST. $150-300
1126 ABNC Souvenir Card Specimen Kingdom of Hawaii 1879
$500 Silver Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/Portrait
of King KalakuaI at left, steam locomotive between sailing
ships at center, farmer
Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $500 Silver
Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/Portrait of King KalakuaI at
left, steam locomotive between sailing ships at center, farmer car-
rying produce. ca.1970-80’s reprint, Pin-Punch Specimen with date
12-30-94, ABNC Endorsement on back. One of 3 Specimens of this
denomination found. Mint Condition. Beautiful. .....
EST. $250-500
1127ABNC Souvenir Card Specimen, Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $10
Silver Certificate of Deposit
Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $10 Silver
Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/ Cowboy, Clipper Ship and
Locomotive, ca.1970-80’s reprint, Pin-Punch Specimen with date
12-30-94, ABNC Endorsement on back. One of 3 Specimens of this
denomination found. Mint Condition. Beautiful. .....
EST. $120-240
1128 ABNC Uncut Card - ANA 1995 Milwaukee, WI, Uncut Card,
$5, City Council of Brunswick Obsolete Banknote on Card.
ANA, 1995, Milwaukee, $5 City Council of Brunswick Obsolete
note, Barr- SO/147 Unlisted. Mint. ABNC. .................
EST. $160-300
1129 ABNC Uncut Engraved Progress Proof, Black and White
(No Underprint) on thin paper.
International Paper Money Show,
15th Convention, June 1991, Memphis, TN , $5 City of Memphis,
Mayors Office. Mint, ABNC. Rare. ..............................
EST. $150-300
Archives International Auctions, Part XIV
April 16, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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