1119 ABNC Progress Underprint Proof Of Banco Puerto Plata, 50
Pesos, 500th Anniversary of Voyages of Columbus 1492-1992
From Columbian Exposition in Chicago.
Columbian Expo
Souvenir Card with Banco Puerto Plata, 50 Pesos, 500th Anniversary
of Voyages of Columbus 1492-1992, both have pin-punch speci-
mens, Barr-SO 107, Mint, ABNC. ................................
EST. $160-300
1120 ABNC Progressive Proof Trio from “The Story of Freedom”
Part III.
ASDA 1996, New York, Lot of 3 Pieces. Includes Complete
Proof but uncut Intaglio Card with Capital image in blue and com-
plete view of capital by NBNC; A second uncut card progress proof
missing the intaglio Capital image and the back attestation by
ABNC; and a Large Die Proof of the U.S. capital in black matching
the vignette on the card. The LDP’s also are signed by the printer
and possibly Spider Proof Cards, All in Mint condition as issued.
ABNC. ........................................................................
EST. $150-300
1121 ABNC Signed Spider Press Proof of Republic of Hawaii
Revenue Stamps at the A.S.D.A. NY Meeting, 1993
Different Republic of Hawaii, Department of Foreign Affairs
Revenue Stamp proofs, 2 Cents; 6 Cents and 10 Cents, Signed on
Front of the card by the Spider Press operator on 10/31/1993 at the
A.S.D. A. New York show, Barr- SO/122 “3 Hawaii Official Stamps”.
Mint, ABNC. ...............................................................
EST. $120-240
1122 ABNC Signed Spider Press Proof of Republic of Hawaii
Revenue Stamps at the A.S.D.A. NY Meeting, 1993
Different Republic of Hawaii, Department of Foreign Affairs
Revenue Stamp proofs, 2 Cents; 6 Cents and 10 Cents, Signed on
back of the card by the Spider Press operator but not dated at the
A.S.D.A. New York show, Barr- SO/122 “3 Hawaii Official Stamps”.
Mint, ABNC. ...............................................................
EST. $120-240
1123ABNC Souvenir Card Specimen Endorsement on back. Mint
Condition. Beautiful. Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $50 Silver
Certificate of Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/Maiden in Paradise
Scene, Ram in Field and Lady wearing Cameo. One of 3
Specimens. ABNC Endorsement on back. Mint Condition.
Kingdom of Hawaii 1879 $50 Silver Certificate of
Deposit Intaglio Reprint W/Maiden in Paradise Scene, Ram in Field
and Lady wearing Cameo. Oca.1970-80’s reprint, Pin-Punch
Specimen with date 12-30-94, ABNC Endorsement on back. One of
3 Specimens of this denomination found. Mint Condition.
Beautiful. .................................................................
EST. $150-300
Archives International Auctions, Part XIV
April 16, 2013
Archives International Auctions