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New Jersey
361 Best Foods, Inc., Specimen Stock.
New Jersey, ND, Specimen
Stock, 100 Shares, Black on brown border and underprint,
Allegorical woman sitting feeding white dove with two young chil-
dren, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF-XF condition, ABNC.
Est. $120-240
362 Quaker Oats Co. Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1971, 7.7% Sinking
Fund Debenture, Specimen Bond, Black on red border and under-
print, Vignette of Quaker holding box of Quaker Rolled White Oats
top center, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ..............................
Est. $120-240
363 Quaker Oats Co., Specimen Stock.
New Jersey, ND, Specimen
Stock, <100 Shares, Black on orange border and underprint,
Quaker holding box of oats top center with "reaper vignette" bot-
tom cente, Blue SPECIMEN overprints and POC's, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $140-280
Scripophily - Foreign
364 Province of Buenos Aires Specimen Bond.
Argentina, 1925,
$500, External 7 1/2% Secured Sinking Fund Gold Specimen Bond,
POC’s Winged allegorical figure flanked by two sitting allegorical
figures top center, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ..................
Est. $110-180
365 Province of Santa Fe Specimen BondWith U.S. Gold Standard
Santa Fe, Argentina. 1924 (1934), $500 or 1177.72 1/2 pesos
Argentine Paper, 7% public credit external sinking fund gold bond.
ABNCo, EF, Legend overprinted in middle lowering the interest rate
and altering the terms of payment of the bond right after the U.S.
went off the gold standard and payment to be “Paid in Dollars
instead of gold “. Rare transition from gold standard effecting inter-
national dollar denominated bonds. .............................
Est. $110-220
366 Commonwealth of Australia Specimen Bond.
Australia, 19xx,
Specimen Bond, Black on green border and underprint on manila
paper, Australian seal top center, VF condition, Security-Columbian
United States BNC. .......................................................
Est. $300-600
367 News Corporation Ltd. Specimen ADR.
South Australia, 1986,
Specimen ADR, Black on green border and underprint, Vignette of
journalist with eye, ear, earphones, keyboard and monitor flanking
him, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Murdochs company. .......
Est. $100-200
368 Austrian Guaranteed Loan 1923-1943 Specimen Bond.
1923, $1000, 7% Sinking Fund Gold Bond, Black on orange border
and underprint, Allegorical woman over Arms of Austria. POC’s. VF
condition. Coupons attached. ABNC. Scarce bond. .......
Est. $90-180
369 Kingdom of Belgium, Specimen Bond.
Belgium, 1920, $1000, 5
Year 6% Gold Specimen Note, Horizontal format, Coupons
attached, Black on green border and underprint, Three allegorical
figures top center and country seal on left, POC’s, VF condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $180-360
370 Societe Royale de Zoologie d Horticulture et d Acrement,
1878 membership certificate, used, minor separation at
folds. Exceptional zoo and wildlife vignette with tiger, snakes and
camel in front of arch, VF condition. .............................
Est. $250-500
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions