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352 World’s Columbian Exposition, Issued Stock and a Rand,
McNally & Co. Map of Expo.
Illinois, 1892, I/U Stock, 2 Shares,
#B1848, Black on orange border and underprint, Allegorical woman
on wheel with Bald Eagle on the left and locomotives on the right
with city in the distance, Fine condition with toning and vertical
creases, WBNC. Accompanying certificate is a VF condition Rand,
McNally & Co. map with detailed layout of the Columbian 1893
Exposition and an advertisement on the reverse for Harvey Land
Associates. ....................................................................
Est. $250-400
Scripophily - Federal
United States
353 United States Postal Service Specimen Bond.
Specimen Bond.
Feb.1, 1972. $25000 Series A, 6 7/8%, Due 1997, Registered Bond.
Olive green. Post Office Logo in middle with eagle on top of
“U.S.Mail “. Pin-punch “Specimen “. Uncirculated. Rare U.S.
Government Federally related Bond for this well known institution.
Federated BNC. ............................................................
Est. $150-300
Scripophily - Fishing
354 Booth Fisheries Co. Specimen Bond.
Delaware, 1926, $500, First
Mortgage and Collateral Trust 6 1/2% Sinking Fund 10 Year Gold
Bond, Specimen Bond, Two fishermen in small boat bringing in their
catch with lighthouse and other fishermen behind them, VF-XF con-
dition, ABNC. ................................................................
Est. $140-280
355 Pacific American Fisheries, Inc., Model Stock.
Delaware, 19xx,
100 Shares, Model Stock with design changes in pencil,
Black on blue border and underprint, Harbor with fishing trawler top
center flanked by two winged allegorical women, VF condition,
SBNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $90-180
Scripophily - Food & Drink
356 Hersey Chocolate Co., Specimen Bond.
Pennsylvania, 1922,
$1000, 1st Mortgage 6% Sinking Fund Specimen Bond, Vertical for-
mat, Coupons attached, Black on green border and underprint,
Three young allegorical women top center with white dove, Red
SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n “00000 “, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $250-500
357 Thanksgiving Coffee Co., Specimen Stock.
Noyo Harbor,
California, ND, Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on green border
and underprint, Company logo top center with colorful artwork
underprint, VF-XF condition, SC-USBNC. ......................
Est. $90-150
358 Champburger Corp., Issued Stock Mohammod Ali Was a
Partner in this Company.
Delaware, 1971, 100 Shares, Issued
Stock, Black on green border and underprint, Rare stock for fast
food chain that Muhammad Ali had 6% equity in and received 1% of
net sales firm went down for the count in 1972, VF condition,
Security-Columbian BNC. .............................................
Est. $100-200
359 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Mid-America, Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1971, Specimen Stock, 100 Shares, Black on blue border
and underprint, Grey Coca-Cola bottle underprint center, POC’s,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. ...............................................
Est. $150-300
360 Massachusetts Fish Co., Specimen Stock.
19xx (ca.1905-1920).
Odd Shs. Orange border. Ornate border of ships at dock with busy
wharf scene. “Not to be removed from file “ in pink on UR and
POC’s. XF condition. Attractive and rare. Only 2 found in this color
in archive. SBNC. ..........................................................
Est. $200-400
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions