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371 Credito Hipotecario De Bolivia Specimen Bond.
Bolivia, 19xx,
1000 Bolivianos, Specimen Bond, Black on orange border and
underprint, Vignette of farm top center with man harvesting field
mid right and allegorical woman sitting mid left, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $120-240
372 Credito Hipotecario De Bolivia Specimen Bond.
Bolivia, 19xx,
200 Bolivianos, Specimen Bond, Black on red border and under-
print, Vignettes on left and right of women and top center of three
allegorical women, VF-XF condition, ABNC. .................
Est. $120-240
373 Credito Hipotecario de Bolivia, Specimen Bond.
Bolivia, 19xx,
500 Bolivianos, Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under-
print, People gathered at mill top center with allegorical women on
bottom left and right, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condi-
tion, CBNC. ..................................................................
Est. $110-180
374 City of Rio De Janeiro Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds.
Brazil, 1928,
$500 and $1000, 6 1/2% External Secured Sinking Fund Gold
Specimen Bonds, Coupons attached, Black on green border and
underprint and on orange border and underprint, Two reclined alle-
gorical women flanking view of the beaches of Rio top center, VF-XF
condition, HBNC. ..........................................................
Est. $150-250
375 City of Rio De Janeiro Lot of 2 Specimen Bonds.
Brazil, 1928,
$500 and $1000, 6 1/2% External Secured Sinking Fund Gold
Specimen Bonds, Coupons attached, Black on green border and
underprint and on orange border and underprint, Two reclined alle-
gorical women flanking view of the beaches of Rio top center, VF-XF
condition, HBNC. ..........................................................
Est. $150-250
376 Whitehead Aircraft Ltd. Issued Stock.
Britain, 19(17). 7% partici-
pating preference shares (90). Green border with black text,
biplanes flanking airport or air force base, underprint of large
biplane in middle in light green, slight toning at edges o/w VF, sig-
nature of Whitehead as Director. .................................
Est. $150-300
Britain & France
377 Anglo-French Five-Year 5% External Loan, Specimen Bond.
Britain & France, 1915, 5 Year 5% Specimen Bond, Coupons
attached, Horizontal format, Black on green border and underprint,
Allegorical woman holding scales flanked by the French and British
Seals, POC’s , Fine condition, ABNC. .............................
Est. $200-400
378 La Presse Publishing Co., Specimen Bond.
Montreal. 1905.
$1000 4%Gold Bond. Red border and undertint. Vignette of printers
with antique printing press (probably Guttenberg). POC. Coupons
attached. XF condition. ABNC-Ottawa. .........................
Est. $100-200
Central America
379 Giant Banana Co. Specimen Stock.
District of Columbia,
19xx, 100 Shares, Specimen Stock, black on green border and
underprint, Banana tree with bananas on the left, VF-XF condition,
SBNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $100-200
380 Banco Hipotecario Specimen Bond.
Chile, 19xx. (ca.1900-1920),
1000 Pesos, 8% Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under-
print, Native South American top left, Coupons attached, Specimen
overprints, POC’s, VF-XF, scarce Chilean bonds. ABNC.
Est. $95-160
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions