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159 Intriguing 1860 Spinner Letter Discussing Washington
Presidential Politics.
House of Representatives, Washington,
February 18, 1860, Hand written and signed 4 page letter in
Spinner’s hand. He begins the letter with seafaring analogies “I
don’t fear Douglas - If he can procure his nomination and
election afterwards, it will be proof that he deserves the (peace?) for
his talents and his political tack. There is a terrible sea for him to
navigate - Lee Shores, Rocks and Breakers on every side, if he can
steer his bark thorugh safely, he will rightly earn the Presidency “;
“Wit Douglas for a candidate nearly half of the Southern states will
be doubtful... “I have some fear that we are to be beaten - Some of
our Republicans have behaved badly in the matter. He ends the let-
ter discussing local NY political matters. XF condition with usual
folds. ............................................................................
Est. $300-600
160 Francis E. Spinner, 1860, Historic Handwritten Letter on
House of Representatives Letter Sheet.
Washington City, May
5th, 1860, Autograph Letter Signed, 1 written page on 4 page letter
sheet with U.S. Capital and Patriotic arms, Written to Hon. Ezra
Graves, Hand written letter in Spinner’s hand discussing passport
matters and the State Department, He ends the letter “The
Democracy is (Bursted?) by coming in contact with the
(Imprisonable?) Conflicts at Charleston... “ “. Spinner was appointed
Treasurer of the United States under Lincoln, VF to XF condition
with minor toning. ........................................................
Est. $250-400
161 Francis E. Spinner, October 1861, Historic Handwritten Letter
on House of Representatives Letter Sheet.
Washington City,
October 27, 1861, Autograph Letter Signed, 4 pages, Historic hand
written letter in Spinner’s hand discussing matters of application for
jobs, his hurt fingers, “working over 17 hours a day for over 70 days
“; the last page states “No compromises should be made - on that
question we are safe for the South will undertake any - In my opin-
ion, there has been no time within three years that they of the South
would have accepted anything short of giving control of the govern-
ment into their hands, The philosophy of this war is as yet but poor-
ly understood... Until the masses shall be willing to announce the
purpose to be “Freedom and Liberty “ the world will have little sym-
pathy for us “. Amazing insight by this well known Congressman
from New York who was appointed Treasurer of the United States
under Lincoln, Fine condition with toning, foxing, some water stains
at folds, some minor splitting at folds and minor edge problems, but
his early insight into the beginning of the Civil War adds to the desir-
ability of this historic letter. ..........................................
Est. $500-800
Photographs -
162 Marilyn Monroe Meeting Arthur Miller Gelatin Silver Print
Photograph from 1958 Signed by Photographer Roy Schatt.
1958, Horizontal oriented 13 x 8.75 inch silver gelatin photograph of
Arthur Miller speaking to Marilyn Monroe in a profile view of each
evidently at a party or function with numerous people in the back
ground, The photograph is in XF condition with a few light internal
bends and the lower left corner tip slightly bent as well as the upper
right corner otherwise a very attractive photo. The back has nota-
tion “M.M. meets Arthur Miller “ as well as name of photographer
and copyright of Roy Schatt, the front is signed by “Roy Schatt 1958
“ on the bottom middle in ink below portrait of Marilyn. Rare and
desirable Marilyn Monroe vintage photograph. Roy Schatt was a
well known celebrity photographer who is exhibited in the Museum
of Modern art. He well known for his photography of James Dean,
Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities. ..........................
Est. $300-600
163 Marilyn Monroe Meeting Arthur Miller Gelatin Silver Print
Photograph from 1958 Signed by Photographer Roy Schatt.
1958, Vertical oriented 13 x 8.75 inch silver gelatin photograph of
Arthur Miller speaking to Marilyn Monroe in a profile view of each
evidently at a party or function with numerous people in the back
ground, The photograph is in XF condition with a few light internal
bends and the lower left corner tip slightly bent as well as the upper
right corner otherwise a very attractive photo. The back has nota-
tion “M.M. meets Arthur Miller “ as well as name of photographer
and copyright of Roy Schatt, the front is signed by “Roy Schatt 1958
“ on the bottom middle in ink below portrait of Marilyn. Rare and
desirable Marilyn Monroe vintage photograph. Roy Schatt was a
well known celebrity photographer who is exhibited in the Museum
of Modern art. He well known for his photography of James Dean,
Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities. ..........................
Est. $300-600
Photographs -
164 William McKinley Photograph, ca. 1890’s.
Cleveland, Ohio, ND
(ca.1890’s), 9.5 x 7 inches, horizontal, photograph mounted on pho-
tographers mount with photographers credit “ Geo. M. Edmonson
Co., McKinley is sitting at dinner table with his wife and numerous
guests with all of their names listed at the bottom margin. Outer
edges somewhat toned as well as a minor corner chip on the upper
right corner. Sharp and clear photograph of future president. XF
condition. ......................................................................
Est. $150-300
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions