New York
165 Black andWhite Photograph titled “Last Day of Old Exchange
New York, Late 1890’s, Black and White Photograph of the trad-
ing floor at the old NYSE at 10-12 Broad St in Manhattan, Mounted
with black frame, VF-XF condition. ..............................
Est. $100-200
Photography - Civil War
166 Civil War Ambrotype of 3 Civil War Soldiers in Intact Case.
(ca.1860-65), 3 x 3.5 inch Gutta Percha case in black in excellent con-
dition with gold-copper frame surrounding ambrotype photograph
of 3 sitting soldiers that appear to be Union Soldiers with pistols
tucked into their belts. .................................................
Est. $300-600
167 Civil War Ambrotype of Young Boy in Uniform With Dog in
Intact Case.
ND, (ca.1860-65), 2.5 x 3.6 inch Gutta Percha case in
black in excellent condition with gold-copper frame surrounding
ambrotype photograph of young boy in uniform with hand on cane
or sword with dog sitting. .............................................
Est. $200-400
Historic Documents
New York
168 Civil War Finance Document Lot of 5 from New York.
York, 1864-1867 document group of 5 items. Includes 1867, Wood
County Bounty Fund, $50; 2 different Essex County Volunteer War
Bonds, $500, 1864 and $25, 1865 dated bonds; 2 different State of
New York bonds, 1866, $1000 bond and 1865 $1000, Payment of
Bounty to Volunteers, all I/C, Fine to VF condition. . .....
Est. $100-200
169 New York County Substitute Committee, 1864, $300 Bounty
Form For Volunteer as Substitute
New York, NY, February 12th,
1864, 2 page Substitute bounty form. James O’Brien, by
occupation a Tailor, volunteers as a substitute soldier for a $300
bounty. Certificate # 5046 signed by O’Brien and notarized, (I
assume that there were 5000 plus men who volunteered for ser-
vice). VF condition with file folds. Rare and historic Civil War bounty
certificate. ....................................................................
Est. $200-400
Historic Documents -
170 Amazing Civil War Era Letter Regarding a Slave Collar, 1863.
Boston, 1863, 5 “ x 7 3/4 “ Letter from during the Civil War dated Oct
8, 1863, Letter first describes how the individuals business is doing,
then in the second part, highlights the persons disgust in the treat-
ment of slaves and why slavery should be abolished, “I have seen the
Iron Ring taken from the slave girls neck. The ring itself is thick as
my thumb. It is in two half circles which fasten, probably by padlock.
This is the shape. There were four prongs originally. It is neither per-
fectly round, nor smooth but a rough piece of blacksmithery. If this
is not an argument “um ad homineum “ for the conversion of unbe-
lievers, none can be devised for them. They must be willfully blind.
“ Sketch of the collar in pencil on reverse side of letter, VF condition
ALS. .............................................................................
Est. $300-600
171 Slave Document, 1843, Noting “One Negro Woman Fanny “
Listed on Appraisal for T.J Bidsell, Deceased.
Lot of 4 items.
Includes 1843 dated with no location specified, Appraisal for con-
tents of estate including woman slave valued at $475 and horse val-
ued at $35 as well as additional appraised property to settle the
estate. 7.5 x 6.75 inches, with horizontal fold, light foxing and a split
on left middle border, otherwise Very Fine condition; 1892 Real
Photo stereo card showing workers in cotton fields with legend at
bottom “Away down among “de cotton and de C—ns “, Louisiana,
by underwood & Underwood; a 6.5 x 5 inch engraving or small print
of a slave sale in New Orleans; and a modern reproduction photo-
graph of a Frederick Douglass print from a book. .........
Est. $100-200
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions