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122 John Jacob Astor Signature and Lithograph.
New York, John
Jacob lithograph by Alonzo Chappel with the likeness copied by per-
mission from an original painting, Johnson. Fry & Co. Publishers,
Signature on separate piece of paper, VF condition. John Jacob
Astor (1763-1848) was a German merchant who emigrated to the
U.S. following the Revolutionary War. He is also considered the first
American multi-millionaire and by the time of his death his fortune
in today’s dollars would be worth close to $100 billion. He is buried
at Trinity Church in lower Manhattan. ..........................
Est. $200-400
123 Jacob Little Signed New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co.
Issued Stock.
New York, 1852, 200 Shares, Issued Stock, Red on
red border and underprint, Early locomotive moving top center, VF
condition, George F. Nesbitt Stationer and Printer. ......
Est. $200-400
124 Henry Morgantheau Jr. Signed Letter, 1940 & Andrew Mellon
Signed Card.
Lot of 2 items, September 25, 1940, Henry
Morgenthau Jr. signed letter on Secretary of the Treasury letter-
head, VF condition LS and Andrew Mellon signature on small card,
VF condition. .................................................................
Est. $100-200
125 Northern Pacific Railroad Co. With Jay Cooke Autograph.
York, NY. December 1, 1876, 2 Shares Common Stock, Black on blue
border and underprint, Speeding locomotive on top with portrait on
bottom, ITASB Jay Cooke as Trustee, Poc’s, Jay Cooke
was an American financier. Cooke and his firm Jay Cooke &
Company were most notable for their role in financing the Union’s
war effort during the American Civil War. In his later career, Cooke
was noted for his role in the financing of railroads in the northwest-
ern United States. .........................................................
Est. $500-800
126 Jay Cooke Signature and Small Photo.
Oct 25, 1871, Jay Cooke
signature on small thick paper, Cooke (1821-1905) was a financier
Known for helping finance the Union during the Civil war and financ-
ing the network of railways in the Northwestern U.S. ..
Est. $100-150
Autographs - Literary
127 Charles Dickens Autograph on Letter and Color Engraved
1860, Dickens autograph on Tabistock House letterhead
with correspondence to a W. Adams, Color engraving of a 56 yr old
Dickens on the left. Ensemble is on dark blue mat. Dickens (1812-
1870) famous British writer of the 19th century who wrote classic
novels “A Tale of Two Cities “ (1859), “Great Expectations “(1861),
“Hard Times “(1854) among others. Dickens is buried in Poets
Corner of Westminster Abbey. .....................................
Est. $2000-4000
128 H.G. Wells Signed Letter, 1929 and Leonore Knight Water
Color Portrait of Wells.
July 7, 1929, H.G. Wells signed letter on
614, St. Ermin’s, Westminster, S.W.1 Letterhead, VF condition ALS,
Water color of H.G Wells by Leonore Knight in VF condition. Wells
(1866-1946) known as the father of science fiction he wrote such
famous as “Time Machine “(1895), “The Invisible Man “(1897), “The
War of the Worlds “(1897), “The Island of Doctor Morneau “(1896),
“The First Men in the Moon “(1901) among others. In 1938 Orson
Welles read over the radio “War of the Worlds “ which caused panic
among listeners believing what they heard over the broadcast was
real. ..............................................................................
Est. $700-1200
129 William Makepeace Thackeray Autographed Letter With
Original Photograph.
Kensington (Gardens, London, England. ND
(ca.1830-50’s), Short note to “Spring Rice “ about dining date.
William Makepeace Thackeray was an English novelist of the 19th
century. He was famous for his satirical works, particularly Vanity
Fair, a panoramic portrait of English society. XF condition and
framed under glass. .......................................................
Est. $150-250
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions