Archives International Auctions - Sale 39
March 14,2017
Archives International Auctions
229 Caja de Credito Hipotecario 1900 Specimen Bond.Santiago, Chile,
19xx. (ca.1900-1920), 200 Pesos, Series B, Brown border and underprint
with portrait of distinguished gentleman flanked by angels with Arms
at bottom, coupons attached, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF, ABNC.
230 Caja de Credito Hipotecario ca.1890 Specimen BondChile. $1000
Specimen 8% Coupon Bond. Vignette of herder with sheep at top center.
Black ink with green border and under print. All coupons attached.
Specimen overprints, POC’s, Fine with minor staining. ��������������Est.
231 Caja De Credito Hipotecario Fundada El Ano, ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondSantiago, Chile. $5000 Specimen 8% Coupon Bond,
Black print on green border with Portrait of a man at top, Specimen
overprints, POC’s, and Coupons Attached, VF-XF, ABNC. ���������Est.
232 Caja De Credito Hipotecario, ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondSantiago, Chile. 200 Pesos Specimen Series 4A 6% Bond, Black print
on Purple Border with Portrait of a man at top, Specimen overprints,
POC’s, and Coupons Attached, VF-XF, ABNC.����������������������������Est.
233 Caja De Credito Hipotecario, ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondSantiago, Chile. 500 Pesos Specimen Series B 8% Bond, Black print on
brown border with Portrait of a man at top, Specimen overprints, POC’s,
and Coupons Attached, VF-XF, ABNC.����������������������������������������Est.
234 Caja de Credito Hipotecario, ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondChile.
1000 7% Bond, Black print on red border And under tint, Allegorical
figures all over certificate, VF-XF with slight toning along left margin
condition, ABNC.��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.