Archives International Auctions - Sale 39
March 14,2017
Archives International Auctions
218 Protestant Board of School Commissioners, 1908 Specimen BondMontreal-Canada. $1000 Specimen 4% Coupon Bond, Black print
on green border and under tint, Cherubs at top under company title,
Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.���������Est.
219 Province of Quebec, 1959 Specimen BondQuebec, Canada.
$1000000 Specimen 5 3/8% Debenture Coupon Bond, Black print on
green border and under tint, Coat of arms of Quebec at top, Specimen
overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.��������������������������Est.
220 Shearer, Brown & Wills, LTD., 1904 Specimen BondQuebec,
Canada. $1000 Specimen 5% 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black
print on green border and under tint, Image of men logging in a river at
top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.��Est.
221 Spruce Falls Power and Paper Co. Ltd., ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondOntario, Canada. $1000 Specimen 5 1/2% Registered 1st
Mortgage Serial Gold Bond, Black print on orange border and under tint
in horizontal format, Image of allegorical man with a waterfall behind
him at top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, Fine condition with minor
toning, ABNC. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
222 St. Regis Paper Co. of Canada, Ltd., 1924 Specimen BondQuebec,
Canada. $500 Specimen 6 1/2% Serial Gold Debentures Coupon
Bond, Black print on brown border and under tint, Image of seated
allegorical figure at top, Specimen overprint and POC’s, Fine condition
with splitting along fold lines and toning covering certificate, FL-
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.