Archives International Auctions - Sale 39
March 14,2017
Archives International Auctions
737 New York Central Railroad Company Specimen Stock.New York,
19xx (1900-1920), Odd Shares, Specimen Stock, Black on light blue
underprint, Vanderbilt flanked by steamship and locomotive, POC’s, XF
condition, Attractive and scarce earlier design, ABNC.����������������Est.
738 New York Connecting Railroad Co., 1913 Specimen BondNew
York. $1000 Specimen 4 1/2% Series A 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon
Bond, Black print on dark brown border and under tint, Image of
suspension bridge over river at top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-
XF condition, ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
739 NewYork Transfer Co., Specimen Stock Certificate, ca.1900.New
York, 19xx, Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on green border with
vignette of locomotive at station top center with steamship behind it,
POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprint, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Est.
740 Port Chester Street Railway Co., 1901 Specimen BondNew York.
$1000 Specimen 4% 1st Mortgage Coupon Bond, Black print on brown
border and under tint, Electric street car at top, Specimen overprints and
POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.��������������������������������������������������Est.
741 Staten Island Midland Railway Co., Series A, 1915 Specimen Bond.Staten Island, NY. Specimen bond. 1915. $500. Green border and
undertint. Electric streetcar with woman and child watching it pass..
Red specimen overprints, POC’s and “00000” serial numbers. Coupons
attached. Unlisted railroad in Cox. Rare and attractive. ABNC. �Est.