Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1413Merchants Bank of Canada, 1888 2nd of Exchange.New York
& Canada. £2000, Issued Second of exchange, blue on light orange
underprint, Arms in middle, Early Canada exchange. ������������������Est.
1414Molsons Bank, 1922 Face and Back Proofs.Montreal, Canada.
$5 July 3, 1922 Ch. # 490-40-02S, Both the face and back have the
word “Specimen” written on them in red ink. PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 63 NET. The reverse of both specimens have minor traces
of adhesive. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1415Ontario Bank, $5, 1888 Proof Face and Back Banknotes.Toronto,
Canada. $5, Ch.# 555-18-02P, Face and Back Proofs, both with strongly
embossed popular scenes of the period. Back with 2 small punch cancels.
Printed on card stock with a “30” in pencil found on the face of the back.
PMG graded Gem 66 EPQ. ABNC. ��������������������������������������������Est.
1416Province of Alberta Prosperity Certificate $1, 1936 Ch. # A-1.Canada. $1, Ch. # A-1, This Great Depression issue was sponsored by the
government of the Province of Alberta. This PMG Gem Uncirculated 66
EPQ example contains (3) adhesive stamps. This is the finest graded in
the PMG census. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1417Banks of Montreal, BritishNorthAmerica, &CanadianCommerce, 1870s-1890s, Quintet of ExchangesCanada, lot of 5 exchanges,
includes Bank of Montreal (Ottawa) second of exchange for 50 Pounds,
1890; Bank of Montreal (New York) second of exchange for 1000
Pounds, 1894; Canadian Bank of Commerce duplicate of exchange for
80 Pounds; Bank of British North America second of exchange for 182
Pounds, 1877; Merchants Bank of Canada (Manitoba) first of exchange
for 12 Pounds 9 Shillings 2 Pence, 1875. The latter VG, the rest Fine to VF
condition. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Cape Verde
1418Banco de Cabo Verde, 1999-2000, Pair of TDLR SpecimensCape
Verde, lot of 2 specimen notes, includes 2000 Escudos, 1999, P-66s,
TDLR oval imprints, Specimen No 018; and 5000 Escudos, 2000, P-67s,
TDLR oval imprints, Specimen No 020. Both Uncirculated. �������Est.